


2018-12-28 23:21:51 | Newsメモ
BBC Sudan protests: Police fire tear gas at football fans 24 December 2018

Police in Sudan have fired tear gas at football fans demanding an end to President Omar al-Bashir's rule as protests spread across the country.

Opposition figures say 22 protesters have been killed since Wednesday, but officials say the figure is much lower.

 さらなる燃料費値上げの広報から不満に発火し、わりと大規模なデモになって警察と衝突。というかbread priceもというから、それ、エジプト民衆革命コースと同じじゃないかな。大丈夫かな。

The protests erupted after bread and fuel price rises were announced.

Over the past year, the cost of some goods has more than doubled, while overall inflation has risen to nearly 70%, the value of the Sudanese pound has fallen sharply and shortages have been reported in cities including Khartoum.

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