


2023-04-20 21:08:20 | Newsメモ
 中国企業が、それはもう根こそぎの勢いで魚を取りまくり、これをfish mealに仕立ててしまう。輸出して、本国かどこかで養殖漁業に使うわけだ。それでガンビア市民はタンパク質不足になる。なにしろ地元用の魚も碌々残らないので…。

BBC The fishy business of a Chinese factory in The Gambia 16 Apr 2023 By Tom Ford

Investment from China welcomed by The Gambia's government is causing upset for a fishing community who say a Chinese-owned fishmeal factory is disrupting life on their shores.

 中国国籍のfish meal企業がガンビア地元の生活を破壊する。とはいえ投資は増えるのでガンビア政府としてはまあ、そりゃあ、相応に歓迎する。なんだこれ、ゲジラ計画の類似パターンだ。

"I have been working here for 32 years," says Buba Cary, a fisherman from Gunjur speaking in Mandinka through a translator. "It only brings suffering for us," he says, gesturing to the white building.

"Before the factory came here there was a lot of fish in the sea. If you want fish [now] you need to cross the border to Senegal or Guinea-Bissau."


These men are talking about a facility run by Golden Lead in the coastal village of Gunjur, which is around 45km (28 miles) south of the capital, Banjul.

In total The Gambia now has three of these factories - the other two, run by different firms, are about 10km north and south of Gunjur, where fish oil and fishmeal are produced and exported to China, Europe and beyond.

For many years the fishmeal industry has raised questions about sustainability. It uses vast quantities of fish, such as sardinella and bonga, which make up at least half of The Gambia's total protein intake.

The Dutch non-governmental organisation Changing Markets Foundation found that the biggest of these fishmeal factories accounted for 40% of Gambia's entire fish catch for a year.


The Gambia has fostered a close relationship with China in recent years. Under the controversial leadership of ex-President Yahya Jammeh the first Chinese fish factory to open was in Gunjur, after it was granted a 99-year lease in 2015 soon after The Gambia broke ties with Taiwan.


Some in the community in Gunjur are still worried about standards over waste pollution and various fishermen and factory workers told the BBC in December 2022 that they had experienced skin problems after entering the sea near the factory.
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