ArcaMax Dec.21号は発音が似ていて間違い易い単語の特集で、例えば:
Alessandra wrote the note to the rock star on scented (stationary, stationery).
のどちらが正しいかを問うクイズがありました。 この記事を読んだ後に読んだHir@ganaTimes(ひらがなタイムズ)12月号の "Stamps Used in Business" にあった文(Page 16)をまず引用します。
When you receive delivered goods, you use your stamp on the receipt. Usually the receiver's personal stamp is used. Generally, stamps that contain ink and which are easily available at a stationary (sic) store are used.
(Note: 文中の "sic" は私が挿入したもので「原文のまま」の意味です。 ref.
ひらがなタイムズはもちろんネイティブの方が少なくともチェックしていると思いますが、それでも "stationary" と "stationery" は間違い易いと言う事でしょう。
The realtor decided to (home, hone) in on the source of the foul smell in the basement.
(このクイズの正解は "home" の方です)
"hone" は知っている単語ですが、動詞の "home" は知りません。 辞書で調べると、 "home in on" と言う慣用句があることが分かり意味は: Move toward or focus on a goal, as in He began with a couple of jokes before homing in on the main subject of his talk. This expression originally alluded to a vessel, aircraft or missile being guided to its target by a radio beam or some other means.
Wiktionary: To focus or narrow down to something; to find or draw closer, as by trial and error or a gradual seeking process. He used the clues to home in on the source of the flames.
We are homing in on a solution.
ここで引用するには長過ぎるので省略しますがWorld Wide Words(には "home in on" の代わりに "hone in on" を使う人(米国人に限られるようです)が増えているとの記事がありますので興味のある方は読んで下さい。
Alessandra wrote the note to the rock star on scented (stationary, stationery).
のどちらが正しいかを問うクイズがありました。 この記事を読んだ後に読んだHir@ganaTimes(ひらがなタイムズ)12月号の "Stamps Used in Business" にあった文(Page 16)をまず引用します。
When you receive delivered goods, you use your stamp on the receipt. Usually the receiver's personal stamp is used. Generally, stamps that contain ink and which are easily available at a stationary (sic) store are used.
(Note: 文中の "sic" は私が挿入したもので「原文のまま」の意味です。 ref.
ひらがなタイムズはもちろんネイティブの方が少なくともチェックしていると思いますが、それでも "stationary" と "stationery" は間違い易いと言う事でしょう。
The realtor decided to (home, hone) in on the source of the foul smell in the basement.
(このクイズの正解は "home" の方です)
"hone" は知っている単語ですが、動詞の "home" は知りません。 辞書で調べると、 "home in on" と言う慣用句があることが分かり意味は: Move toward or focus on a goal, as in He began with a couple of jokes before homing in on the main subject of his talk. This expression originally alluded to a vessel, aircraft or missile being guided to its target by a radio beam or some other means.
Wiktionary: To focus or narrow down to something; to find or draw closer, as by trial and error or a gradual seeking process. He used the clues to home in on the source of the flames.
We are homing in on a solution.
ここで引用するには長過ぎるので省略しますがWorld Wide Words(には "home in on" の代わりに "hone in on" を使う人(米国人に限られるようです)が増えているとの記事がありますので興味のある方は読んで下さい。