Reader's Digestの10月号に "Clerihew" と呼ばれるとても興味深い人物四行詩の事が書いてありました。
Clerihew is a four-line poem that pokes fun at the famous. Invented for British writer Edmund Clerihew Bentley, these mini-verses have three rules: They rhyme aabb, they're about a celebrity named in the first line, and as for the meter? There are no rules.
Actor Harrison Ford
Was feeling extraordinarily bored.
So he grabbed his hat and picked up his bones
And starred in yet another Indiana Jones.
まずは上の説明文の最初にある "poke fun at" を調べます。 to ridicule or mock, esp. covertly or slyly: In her novel, she pokes fun at her ex-husband.
古文、文学、詩、能などは苦手なのですが、狂歌、狂言は面白いと感じる私としては "Clerihew" にその内に挑戦したいと思います。