English Collection


go overboard

2009年01月04日 | 英語学習
今日の話題もReader's Digest, Oct. 2008号のADS INFINITUMと題した記事からです。
Granted, not everyone yearns to work with cattle. But this ad in the Whatcom(Washington) Independent went overboard in making these bovines as appealing as possible: "Wanted - men to take care of cows that do not smoke or drink."
"bovine"(of or pertaining to the subfamily Bovinae, which includes cattle, buffalo, and kudus.) は狂牛病(mad cow disease: bovine spongiform encephalopathy: BSE)が流行った頃に覚えた単語で今日の話題ではなく "overboard" が今回覚えたい単語です。
OneLook Quick Definitions: to extremes ("He went overboard to please his in-laws")
Dictionary.com:(Idiom) go overboard, to go to extremes, esp. in regard to approval or disapproval of a person or thing: I think the critics went overboard in panning that new show.
やり過ぎ、言い過ぎの意味の場合は "go overboard" と使われるのですね。
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