BBC調査による "best worst examples of office jargon".の例は50あり、一応全部目を通したところoffice jargonではありませんが気になった単語がありました。44番目の例の冒頭を引用します。
I was told I'd be living the values from now on by my employers at a conference the other week. Here's some modern language for them - meh.
文の最後に付け足された "meh" は何でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
Wiktionary: 1. (slang) Expressing indifference or lack of enthusiasm; “What do you want for dinner?” ? “Meh. I’m not really hungry.”; “That film was awesome!” ? “Meh. I’ve seen better.” 2. (slang) Used to express a mild disagreement where the person does not have either the solid foundation to actually argue a point, or does not feel the argument is worth pursuing any further. Due, in most situations, to the argument being opinion based in subject matter.
テレビ番組の "The Simpsons" でポピュラーになった間投詞だそうです。
I was told I'd be living the values from now on by my employers at a conference the other week. Here's some modern language for them - meh.
文の最後に付け足された "meh" は何でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
Wiktionary: 1. (slang) Expressing indifference or lack of enthusiasm; “What do you want for dinner?” ? “Meh. I’m not really hungry.”; “That film was awesome!” ? “Meh. I’ve seen better.” 2. (slang) Used to express a mild disagreement where the person does not have either the solid foundation to actually argue a point, or does not feel the argument is worth pursuing any further. Due, in most situations, to the argument being opinion based in subject matter.
テレビ番組の "The Simpsons" でポピュラーになった間投詞だそうです。