English Collection


putting in one's oar

2009年10月20日 | 英語学習
アンの着る服は "serviceable" との描写が前にありましたが、それはMarillaがアンを躾ける、育てる事には口出しをしないと約束をしたMattewがアンに女の子らしい綺麗な服を買ってあげる為の伏線だった事が分かってきました。
But surely it would do no harm to let the child have one pretty dress--something like Diana Barry always wore. Mattew decided that he would give her one; that surely could not be objected to as an unwarranted putting in of his oar.
"oar" が櫂、オールの意味を持っている事は知っていますが、引用文の "putting in of his oar" は慣用句に違いありません。 辞書で調べます。
Dictionary.com: put in one's oar, to meddle; interfere: He put in his oar and was told to mind his own business.
American Herritage Dictionary: Interfere with something or insert one's opinion, as in I'll thank you not to put your oar in when we're discussing a private matter. This term, referring to helping to row a boat, was first recorded in Charles Coffey's 1731 play The Devil to Pay: "I will govern my own house without your putting in an oar."
日本語の諺「船頭多くして船山に登る」を連想しますが、意味は一寸違いますね。 干渉されれば結果が変になると言う意味では関係はありますが。
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