English Collection



2009年10月28日 | 英語学習
数日前にTVでBBC製作のジンベイザメ(whale shark)の生態についてのドキュメンタリーを見ましたが、赤毛のアンにもシャークが出てきます。 
Rachel is a good Christian woman and she means well. There isn't a kinder soul in Avonlea and she never shirks her share of work.
この動詞の "shirks" ですが、私の知っている名詞のシャークとはよく見るとスペルも違います。(発音も一寸違いますね) しかたがないので辞書を引きます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: avoid dealing with ("She shirks her duties"); avoid (one's assigned duties) ("The derelict soldier shirked his duties")
Dictionary.com: 1(used with object). to evade (work, duty, responsibility, etc.). 2(used without object). to evade work, duty, etc.
辞書の例文にある "derelict" も "shirk" と意味に関係がある様なので覚えておきたい。
"derelict" も辞書を見ます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: noun: 1. a person unable to support himself; 2. a ship abandoned on the high seas; adjective: 1. failing in what duty requires ("Derelict (or delinquent) in his duty") 2. deserted or abandoned as by an owner ("A derelict ship")
・adjective 1. left or deserted, as by the owner or guardian; abandoned: a derelict ship.
2. neglectful of duty; delinquent; negligent.
・noun 3. a person abandoned by society, esp. a person without a permanent home and means of support; vagrant; bum.
4. Nautical. a vessel abandoned in open water by its crew without any hope or intention of returning.
5. personal property abandoned or thrown away by the owner.
6. one guilty of neglect of duty.
7. Law. land left dry by a change of the water line.
やはり、やるべき事は怠らずに責任を果たす、当然と言えば当然なので "I never shirk my share of work." を肝に銘じましょう 。
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