さて、"HOW MANY MILES TO BABYLON?" は終盤に近づいて来ました。軍では前線での戦いと、基地での訓練が繰り返されます。
During that six days at the farm Major Glendinning really put the pressure on us. No one had a moment's peace from his drilling and marching. We were up at dawn and were for sleeping. Severe punishments were meted out for the most trivial offences and Bennet and I were
hauled over the coals if he considered we were being too lenient with the men.
haul over the coals" は文字通りだと石炭(燃えている?)の上を引き摺るとなりますが、何か厳しい罰を受けるか、叱られる事を意味する慣用句の様なので辞書で確認します。
・Dictionary.com: rake/
over the coals, to reprimand; scold: They were
raked over the coals for turning out slipshod work.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Fig. to give someone a severe scolding. My mother
hauled me over the coals for coming in late last night. The manager
raked me over the coals for being late again.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong If I make a spelling mistake, I
get hauled over the coals by my boss. (often + for ) They
dragged her over the coals for being late with her assignment.
この慣用句は "haul" 以外にも色々な動詞が使われるのですね。
この後に同時期に軍隊に入った幼馴染のJerry Croweの脱走事件があり、何とAlexは次ぎの命令を受けます。
'Private Crowe has been sentenced to death. You will command the firing squad at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.' At first I didn't understand what he had said.
これこそ "
double take" になるのは当然な場面ですよね。
さてこの結末は? これまた私には以外な展開でしたが "HOW MANY MILES TO BABYLON?" を読みたくなった、あるいは映画/ビデオを見たくなった方のために書かない事にします。 代わりに予告です。この次に読む本の題名はちょっとユニークな "The Drunkard's Walk" です。どんな内容か私も全く見当が付きません。