English Collection



2011年04月22日 | 英語学習
桜が散ったと思ったら駅前に植えてあるハナミズキが咲き始めたのに気が付きました。ハナミズキの英語名は何故か "dogwood" で、余り情緒のない名前です。
さて、"The Drunkard's Walk" に出たきた話です。 
With events so foreboding when considered in hindsight, why hadn't anyone privy to this information seen the attack coming?
"in addition to the intelligence reports I quoted, there was a huge amount of useless intelligence, with each week bringing new reams of sometimes alarming or mysterious messages and transcripts that would later prove misleading or insignificant. And even if we focused on the reports that hindsight tells us were important, before the attack there existed for each of those reports a reasonable alternative explanation that did not point toward a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor."
前の引用文にある "privy" のこの意味での例は私には初めてなので意味を調べます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: admitted as one sharing in a secret (privy to the conspiracy; privy information on the current state of the peace negotiations)
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: sharing in or knowing about something private or secret
Tips: When trying to learn the word privy, think of the related word private. Privy refers to "being in the know" about something private or secret. When you are privy to something, you know something that most people don't; you've been let it on a secret. A person who has involvement or interest in someone else's business can also be described as privy. Privy is also a noun, meaning "outhouse. (Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2009/12/12 )"
Ex. How did you become privy of that information? I thought it was private. (aware, informed)
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