English Collection



2011年04月25日 | 英語学習
人は皆 Free! に弱い。ここで言うFree! は自由の事では無く、無料の意味です。"PREDICTABLY IRRATIONAL " のThe Cost of Zero Costの章に著者がHondaのミニバンを買うつもりだったのに3年間オイル交換無料の宣伝に釣られてAudiを買ってしまった逸話がありました。
It gets worse, though: now I have an Audi that is packed to the ceiling with action figures, a stroller, a bike, and other paraphernalia.
ここに出てきた "paraphernalia" は既に何度か色々な文で見かけた単語で、English Collectionにも取り上げた事があると思ったのですが、実際に取り上げた記録は見あたらなかったので今回取り上げることにしました。
・American Heritage Dictionary:
1.Personal belongings.
2.The articles used in a particular activity; equipment: a photographer's paraphernalia.
3.A married woman's personal property exclusive of her dowry, according to common law.
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: 1. equipment needed for a particular activity; 2. assorted objects or collectibles
Example: Mike is a big sports nut and collects team paraphernalia for his favorite sports teams. (goods, collectibles)
Tips: Paraphernalia is derived from the Late Latin parapherna, which means "a woman's property besides her dowry." Think, property and equipment. You probably have heard the phrases "drug paraphernalia" or "sport's paraphernalia." Drug paraphernalia refers to equipment used to do drugs or hold drugs. Sports paraphernalia can refer to sports equipment or sports collectibles and other objects that represent a particular sport.
日本語で "~用品/用具" と言う事がありますが、その様な場合にも使える単語ですね。
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