Article#502.3/3 Updated the summary of US Presidential Election - a letter to American friends

2021-01-02 22:28:08 | Thought Philosophy Spiritual
Hi, this is Kohanbito as Lake Man.

This is the 3nd part of "Article#502. Updated the summary of US Presidential Election - a letter to American friends".

Let me continue from last one, starting from Chapter 4).

4) Future leaders in new world order will know that they were used by CCP even they think they used CCP

Candidates of future major players in new world order who gathers in Davos may want to behave like God, and they might want to remove borders to make one world, and they might want to create new world order that they rules as elites using their AI, and their new world order might be based upon the science + materialism as supreme principle. And there, rest of inferior people are monitored and controlled by AI. And their actions, health, money, thought, purchase conditions are all monitored and filtered by AI, and those who were considered as inferior or dangerous by AI will be picked up and will be isolated and may be punished or killed. They may think that that is the best way to maintain new society in peace. They may dream about realizing such new world order like CCP does now.

But as an Asian who learned a little bit about spiritual things, even not me, everyone in Asian countries may say, God will dislike people who deny God or violating freedom of thought or belief in each individuals. And that will induce disasters and such arrogant behaver will be punished by God somehow later.

And you say there should be no boarders, one world, but as an Asian those who believes in reincarnation and karma, I want to say that we are all in the process to getting closer to God by having many experiences in many lives in reincarnations, and each of us are in different stage of soul in terms of how much we are closer to God, and evolution speed of each soul are different. From that point of view, having many different kind of soul groups or having many different countries as stages to let us evolve are very reasonable and natural, we think.

And each of us belong to group of soul or our soul belongs to a country. And there is a Karma in each group. And each of us are responsible to the Karma of that group you belong to. So, you cannot simply deny concept of country. Countries were intentionally provided by God. It is a complicated system that God has provide to let us evolve as group of spirits. So you cannot deny such system God has provided so easily without knowing God's plan. We are all supposed to make each countries each of us belong to good as much as we can.

So, your attempt of making one world may violate the system God has intentionally provided and it may not be welcomed by him. So the attempt of making one world may fail like EU. And you may be targeted for punishment for that arrogance. So, instead of making one world, we may need to accept the diversity and we may need to respect and appreciate the difference as they are.

And from our oriental spiritual point of view, I also think that the attempt of monitoring and managing all people digitally is wrong. The idea that some superior elites monitor and manage rest of many others inferior people like managing livestock is like insults and challenge to the divinity that each person has inside. And it is also insults and challenge to God. Because we have a connection with God inside through divinity each of us have. This fact that each of us have divinity inside and that divinity inside has connected to God in the depth of each person’s soul might be the reason why our human right is so important and it may be the reason why human right should not be violated and it may be the reason why human right should be protected. Because protecting human rights means protecting divinity inside of each person has and somehow it is protecting God. So, in other words, protecting human rights may mean protecting God himself. We are all connected to same God at the bottom of each person's soul. And we are all children of God, so we are all like brothers and sisters since we share the same God as our parent. And this God inside may be the one who whispers you and gives you inspiration. It is called "inner voice" or "conscience" sometime. 

And yes, it is true that oriental spiritual view teaches us that all mankind are children of God and we are in the process to get closer to God in the reincarnation. We are expected to evolve and get closer to God by experiencing many lives in the reincarnation. But, but but, on the other hand, we are not perfect as we all know. Even we are all so far away from stage of God. And we all make mistakes. And we create Karma (record of good or bad acts we made), and we are supposed to clean all those Karma in the process of reincarnation as well. Since we are not perfect, we need some kind of rules and legal restrictions to avoid hurting each other. As children of God who has divinity inside, such divinity should be revealed freely by each persons in their lives, but those actions should not cause other people to be damaged since they are also children of God as well. That's why we need to have morals or laws to make sure the reveal of divinity does not hurt each other. That is the reason why we have moral and laws. Even we say rule or laws are important. Too much is not good always. We should avoid the situation like Muslims in Uighurs are suffering because of CCP does not like their faith in God. This is not right so we should avoid such a thing. So, having rule to restrict our actions is necessary. However, like CCP does, monitoring all actions and all movement and all purchases and all thoughts and all health conditions by video camera or by biochips or by monitoring expressions in internet and if AI finds out someone is criticizing communism or criticizing government, then AI tells police to arrest such people is too much and wrong. CCP may think that those who criticize communism or government will make society unstable or it will make rule of government unstable.
But such criticism is necessary to keep society healthy because if government is doing something wrong, they should change it by listening to what people are saying. So, what CCP does in their digital surveillance society and what they do in Uighur is not right. It should be stopped and changed. Basically, it is desirable that the society or government allows each person to express their divinity freely as much as they can in the range that they do not hurt each other. The government and the society should assists it and they should provide environment or opportunities to maximize the expression of divinity by each persons. I think that is ideal distance and relationship between each individuals and the government or the society.

From that point of view, again, the digital surveillance society that CCP is now doing is not right. And it seems like future leaders in new world order and Japanese government are also trying to do the same as CCP but it is not right and since it is violating human rights, God will warn you and your attempt will cause many bad side effects and it will fail at the end for sure.

Also, even if you say that you want to manage society digitally centrally, there will be always bad guys appear and they try to access to the data base and use it for bad purposes and it will put people in danger for sure.
I do not deny digitalization of society and monitoring society 100%. But just saying it should be proceed carefully. Access to data should be restricted like only for emergency case or access requires permission from government or by public each time or any kinds of regulations is necessary in order to avoid abuse of database. Strict and multiple security system is necessary. We also need a risk diversification mechanism, and I think it is quite dangerous if we do not give maximum consideration to the privacy of each person. At least, we should not allow government to us such database for the purpose of suppressing those who are dissatisfied with the government like CCP does. We should seek for the optimal solution with maximum care to human rights. And we should not hurry and we should not have united system but it should be spread.

As I said before, Mr. Trump who is skeptical about global warming and always saying "America first" is probably the biggest enemy for those who want to be the future leaders in new world order. Because many of them are owners of media that criticize Trump and they are the owners of industry who were damaged by the tense Trump has created between CCP. We understand that they are real enemies of Mr. Trump and they are the real mastermind of DS.

But from God's point of view, we should know that he may like Mr. Trump. 
Because Mr. Trump respects the diversity of religions. 
He has idea like each countries should be independent. They should not depend too much on other countries in terms of energy and food and defense (security).
Each countries should not give other countries the power to kill your country.
Each countries should be strong and independent.
And such independent countries should respects and help each other.
So, he want to make good world with many independent countries.
He is not just America first.

And he sees jobs as sacred thing. He wants all American to have a faith in God. 
And from that faith, he want them to see their jobs as sacred things where they can do contributions to others and contribution to society, and as a return of doing such sacred things, they get paid and they can make living and feed their families by that. And people feels satisfaction and appreciation and pride in such cycles. He wanted America to be the aggregation of such independent and Patriotic job lovers. I think he see job that way. That is why he tried to create jobs in America by asking companies to bring their factories back to US and by reducing taxes. He did not except America only to be like that but he is also expecting other countries to be like that as well. He is such a great leader that God loves. On the other hand, God will not smile on those who want to be elites to rules and monitor other people like livestock via AI like socialists or CCP does.

Again, those who want to become the leaders in new world order may see CCP's digital surveillance society as their benchmark. And they may also see that they can use CCP and motivate CCP as good tool to get rid of Mr. Trump. But it will not go that way since CCP is much smarter. CCP will make them dependent to Chinese economy. And CCP will become hegemony country quicker. Now those who gathers in Davos think that they will be next leaders in new world order. But it will not be like that. CCP will start to threaten them and make them like slaves of CCP. That is what they will find out in near future. Even though they think they used CCP to get rid of Mr. Trump, they will find out later that CCP was the one who used them to achieve their purpose. Those who are aiming to be new leaders in new world order in Europe and the United States will surely decline. This is because even though CCP was the one who spread out new Corona virus to US and Europe and tried to destroy Western civilization and succeed it, those new leaders in new world order never blame CCP, but instead, they are trying to have closer relationship with CCP even though CCP is atheist who is denying God. That means new leaders in new world order are on the opposite side of God. Then it is obvious that God will dislike those new leaders in new world order. That is why they will decline in future 100% sure.

So as we see this presidential election, we can see that the winner was the CCP (atheist and materialistic nation) against US who is representative of freedom and democracy. CCP won by viruses, by buying media and politicians with money, by lies, by electoral fraud. US lost. 

It's too late to notice that fact later. 
The new president Biden your chose is the partner of CCP and has been doing business together via his son and has been selling IP related with national security to CCP. They have been selling America. The enemy of US. You are selecting such a person. Joe Biden who has many secrets with CCP is the slave of CCP. Because CCP can finish his life as politician by open up those secret to media anytime. So US will be in very weak position for sure. And at the end, US will obey to CCP in future because of Biden.

But now even though Mr. Trump is the only one person who can beat CCP, and even though he is the only one who can bring prosperity to US for another some hundred years, he has been blocked by election fraud which was held by CCP together with those new leaders in new world order called DS. It is American people themselves who are now trying to weaken US and it is American people themselves who are now trying to close the door of the path of glory of US could last for another some hundred years. US will become one of many middle class countries. US will become not No.1 anymore. And it seems US people are not really aware of what they are doing.

It is stupid choice and it is a sad choice that American people is now taking. As a friend of US, we would like to ask you to reconsider this and we would like to ask you to change the situation.

And time is limited. And what you can do is also limited. You only have some days left until 6th of January.
By 6th of January, please raise your voice and claim that there was election fraud and please raise you voice and say loud that you cannot accept those electors who were selected by election fraud. And please raise you voice and ask politicians to deny electors who were selected by election fraud in the joint parliament. And if possible, ask for revote, but if it is difficult, recounting should be done, at least recounting of ballots in 6 swing states should be done again. But if denial of electors who were selected by election fraud in the joint parliament did not work, then Mr. Trump may need to order the martial law. And he may ask to do revote in some swing states. If that happens, then please show that you understand it and then please support revote. 

This is the last chance for US to keep the position as the protector of freedom and protector of democracy. And US will lose No.1 position.

Once Mr. Trump resign, it will be very hard for US to recover the situation. Or US may not be in the same position as now. Then US will become one of many other nations. If Mr. Trump fails, then Hong Kong and Taiwan will disappear. And all Asian nations in democracy will be destroyed and will be asked to obey to CCP. That is something we should not allow it to be happened.

5) What American people can do from now?

Please try to do below things by Jan 6th.

①First, please share the fact that "there was massive electoral fraud therefore the election result should be denied in those 6 swing states." with your friends and with your family

②And please raise your voice that re-election is preferable but if it is difficult, then recounting should be done(no dominion, with observers, with checking signature), even if that is difficult, then at least recounting in 6 swing states should be done,

③Please call state legislators by mail or by phone, and ask them to held an emergency congress, and ask them to select other electors in your state and tell it to Mr. Pence.

④Please call or mail to senator and House of Representatives of your states, and ask them to deny election result made by election fraud and ask them to show objections to the election results in those swing states. And ask them to claim revote or recounting in those 6 swing states. 

⑤If possible, go to DC on 6th of January and give pressure to Mr. Pence to deny those electors who were selected by election fraud in 6 swing states.

In case we found that denial of electors cannot work well and if martial law and revote in 6 swing states is only thing Mr. Trump can do, then please show that you understand it and you support his decision.

If this election fraud is not denied and if Biden becomes the president by this election fraud without all American people know those crimes, that means the precious right of vote that each American voters have is denied. And this means democracy in US was destroyed by election fraud which was done by CCP and DS in US.

This time, in many states such as PA or MI, we saw state governors had changed rules of election such as extension of deadline and so on. Those changes were decided by governors without asking state congress to decide, but that process is basically illegal and violating constitution. Therefore, the election results of those states should be denied in the Joint parliament on 6th of January.

What Mr. Trump was trying to protect was the United States Constitution and its philosophy in it. They are the principles of democracy, freedom, and separation of powers. Even though he is trying to protect constitution, majority of US Supreme court judges did not want to deal with those claims from Trump team about election fraud seriously. They did not help Mr. Trump at all. They are just watching this destruction of US constitution and did nothing to it. That is shame and sad attitude of US Supreme court.

So, at this moment, what you can do is very limited and the most important thing is to give pressure to Mr. Pence and Senators and House of Representatives to deny electors who were selected by election fraud in those swing states. You can do it by raising your voices. And if you can join in DC and shout in front of the capital, that will be the best.

But even if we try everything, but if nothing happens, then we only have one choice. That is martial law and revote in those 6 swing states.

Mr. Trump has tried to change situation by very modest ways with legal approaches by now, but if those cannot change the situation, then there is only one choice he has. He should do it. It is a lot better than allowing CCP to destroy democracy and future of US. 
If that happens, you need to show that you understand it and you welcome it.

Again, if Mr. Trump lose, that will automatically mean Taiwan and Hong Kong to be disappeared. And hegemony of CCP will be happened much earlier than we thought.
And many liberal countries will be under pressure of CCP and we will lose freedom and censorship will be more dominant even in those western countries. That will automatically mean death of our freedom and democracy in this planet. That's why Mr. Trump has to win. We sincerely hope that Mr. Trump will win. Please do anything you can do to overcome this biggest challenge US is facing in the history of US.

We play from Far East for Mr. Trump to win and for you to win.
God bless you and God bless America. Beat enemy of democracy inside and outside of US! Good luck!

Kind Regards,
Your friend from Japan.
Kohanbito as lake man

Thanks to knowledgeable YouTuber Mr. H with lovely Japanese accent, and thanks to Chinese Japanese You tuber Mr. C with Samurai spirit, and thanks to Mr. O from my favorite political party, and thanks to American religious and conservative media “E”, and thanks to Japanese religious and conservative media “L”.
I wrote this letter with a lot of information I got from them.

