久しぶりに日本に関する英文論稿です!最近UPしていませんでした。これから英語モードにしなければです。このゲーム論ですが、ポストコロニアルの亡霊です。過去は過去のものではない。沖縄も靖国も言及されますね。13枚の論文!ぜひどうぞ!ゲームはしないけれど、ゲームの物語に秘められたものとは?Legend of Zeldaです!
Kathryn Hemmann
George Mason University
Of course, many of you are familiar with the William
Faulkner quote that bears repeating: "The Past is never
dead. The past is never dead. It's not even past. " And so
we live with the ghosts of our past. (Davis 114) 過去は過去のものではない。過去は決して死なない。私たちは過去の亡霊と共に住んでいる。生きている。そうですね!
I begin this essay with a quote from Angela Davis drawn from
a speech she delivered in February 2013 for Black History Month
at Davidson College. Davis, a radical activist for global human
rights is of speaking from an American perspective, and it may
seem odd to reference her work in the context of a conversation
about Asia. However, I think it's important to emphasize the
universal relevance of the Gothic genre, as well as to acknowledge
that postcolonial ghosts are not a thematic concern specific to a
single national origin. The alignment of center and periphery
written into the colonial script is not limited to an Atlantocentric
perspective, after all, and
No matter how assiduously the current neoliberal political
establishment attempts to suppress historical memory, conflicts
over issues such as the Yasukuni Shrine, American military bases ←靖国、沖縄の米軍基地、
in Okinawa, and textbook censorship and revisionism indicate that
the ghosts of the past will not remain silent.過去の亡霊は黙ってはいない。
Unquiet postcolonial ghosts have manifested in a wide range
of Japanese media, from literary fiction to televised animation
serials, and it is not surprising that they have drifted into digital
narratives as well. This essay focuses on a video game called The
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Zeruda no densetsu:
Towairaito purinsesu), which was originally released for the
Nintendo GameCube and Wii home consoles in 2006. Twilight
Princess is extremely popular, selling seven million units
worldwide within five years of its release and about a million and
half more units since then.(全体読めます。これは一部です。)
ゼルダの伝説シリーズ(ゼルダのでんせつシリーズ、英: The Legend of Zelda series)は任天堂が開発・発売しているコンピュータゲームシリーズ[7]。
1986年の初代『ゼルダの伝説』の発売以来、長きにわたってユーザーに支持されている、任天堂のアクションアドベンチャーゲーム[8]、またはアクションRPG[注 1]。初代『ゼルダの伝説』は宮本茂、手塚卓志、中郷俊彦、近藤浩治などのわずか数人によってファミリーコンピュータ ディスクシステムのローンチソフトとして開発された[9][10]。
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