

Comparative Studies in Society and History, 58 no.4 (October 2016): 1004-1031.←読みたいですね!

2016-10-22 14:11:49 | Academia
Sayaka Chatani Sayaka Chatani
National University of SingaporeDepartment of History, Post-Doc

"The Ruralist Paradigm: Social Work Bureaucrats in Colonial Korea and Japan's Assimilationism in the Interwar Period," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 58 no.4 (October 2016): 1004-1031.

How did the Japanese Empire, while adamantly adhering to assimilationism, manage the politics of colonial difference in the interwar years? How should we situate the seemingly exceptional conduct of Japanese colonial rule from a comparative perspective? To examine these questions, this article analyzes the mindsets of mid-level colonial bureaucrats who specialized in social work. Social work became a major field of political contestation in the post-World War I period around the globe. Policies on social work tested colonial officials regarding their assumptions about state-society.


