Non ho fatto altro che ripetere la stessa preghiera.
E una risposta dentro di me per superare le sensazioni mediante la fede.
Lascio quella preghiera per i tutti gli altri che hanno necessario.
...con altro "Prayer for Families".
磁器絵画(部分):笠原知子 作
愛する家族への贈り物として承った、1枚の磁器複製絵画(部分写真)を添えて、“A Child's prayer for Parents”の言葉を、ここに保存します。
Lord, you ordered us to respect our parents.
In your mercy, accept my prayers for my parents.
Take your of my parents and bless them with good health,
Bless them in times of difficulty.
Reward them a hundredfold for all they have done for me.
Teach my parents to love and protect your holy laws.
May I serve my parents as I serve you, Lord.
Let this be a source of consolation for them.
And one day, may we live in your glory forever in heaven.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord Amen.
★Studio piattoscana a Tokyo
tmksimmon@gmail.com までお問い合わせ下さい。
Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili al seguente link:▼Piattoscana
Foto:Tomoko Kasahara (Vatican)
E' bene! いいね!