① れんこんをするおろし、ねぎの小口切りや海老など好みの物を混ぜわせ、つなぎに上新粉や小麦粉・片栗粉などを混ぜる。
② ①に白出汁・昆布茶を混ぜ、円筒状にして、サラダ油で両面を焼き、最後にバター少々を溶かす。
③ お皿に盛り付け、だし汁・味噌・ラー油等好みのタレで食べる。
Grilled lotus root
Lotus root is in good season from autumn to winter.
It has many holes, and it is an auspicious ingredient that can see the future, and it has been liked by Japan people for osechi cuisine. The food is delicious even if it is a variety of dishes. Store in plastic wrap in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.
①Grate lotus, mix your favorite items such as small slices of green onions and shrimp, and mix the joint, such as joshin flour, wheat flour, potato starch, etc.
② Mix① with white dashi and kombucha, make it into a cylinder, bake both sides with salad oil, and finally melt a little butter.
③ Serve on a plate and eat with your favorite sauce such as dashi soup, miso, chili oil, etc.
* Delicious even with ground ginger. Vegetables are good in season.