②肉の色が変わったら、玉ねぎ1個の薄切りを入れてしんなりするまで中火のまま炒め、 料理酒大さじ2・みりん大さじ2・顆粒和風だし小さじ1・砂糖大さじ1・しょうゆ大さじ2を加える。
people ago
①Heat 1 large spoonful of salad oil in a frying pan over medium heat, add 200g of beef and stir-fry.
②When the color of the meat changes, add 1 thin slice of onion and fry over medium heat until tender, 2 tablespoons cooking sake, 2 tablespoons mirin, granule Japanese-style dashi Add 1 tsp, 1 tablespoon sugar, and 2 tablespoons soy sauce.
③Simmer over medium heat, and when the meat is cooked and about half juicy, pour in 2/3 of the amount of two beaten eggs.
④When the eggs are soft-cooked, add the remaining eggs, heat over medium heat, remove from the heat and serve 400g of rice, put on top, and top with the daikon radish.