➀ フライパンサラダ油小匙1で、むきエビや100gやむきあアサリをさっと炒める。
➁ ボウルに➀とオリーブオイル大さじ1・塩小さじ1/4・豆板醬小さじ1/2・ケチャップ大匙2を入れ和える。
③ 皿に盛り付け、ブロッコリや人参を添え完成。
Easy Shrimp Chili
It's easy to make, and you can add potatoes and seasonal vegetables if you like.
2 people ago
➀ In a frying pan salad oil 1, quickly fry peeled shrimp and 100g or clams.
➁ In a bowl, add ➀, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon bean plate sauce, and 2 large spoons of ketchup.
③Serve on a plate and garnish with broccoli and carrots.
* When putting vegetables, heat them in the microwave and place them. It is also good to add tofu.