


2020-05-28 22:54:18 | Newsメモ

BBC Coronavirus: Nightmare spreads through Russia's care homes 28 May 2020 By Sarah Rainsford


When Alexei Sidnev saw the horror caused by coronavirus in European care homes he knew he had to act fast. Way back in March, before any lockdown in Russia, he began sealing off the six homes he runs near Moscow and buying-up protective clothing for staff.


The story of a Covid-19 outbreak at the Vishenki home for the elderly in Smolensk, 400km (250 miles) west of Moscow, is one hint at how that wider picture may look.

"What's happening here is a nightmare," a carer told the BBC by telephone, one of dozens from the state-run home who are now off sick after residents and staff caught coronavirus.


All those we spoke to asked to remain anonymous because they want to keep their jobs.

"By 3 May lots of residents had a fever and they started dying," the nurse recalled. "I think about eight people died and that's just on my floor."

 だれもCovid-19だなんて言ってくれなかった! 例のスーツに身を包んだ人たちが救急車に乗ってやってきて、それで知ったのよ! 入居者はそんな具合にいったりする。

"No-one even told us there was Covid-19 in the home!" an orderly complained bitterly, in a separate call. "We found out when the ambulances came and they were dressed in those suits."


Across Europe, frail care home residents account for up to half of all coronavirus fatalities.

The figures in Smolensk are in line with the unusually low overall mortality rate that Russia is reporting in this epidemic, at around 1%.

But the homes are funded from limited regional budgets and full quarantine is expensive as carers must self-isolate for a fortnight between shifts.

Staff at Vishenki said their home was already stretched to the limit before the epidemic, with even incontinence pads in short supply.


Covid-19 is now spreading through Russia's care system.

"There are cases in places out in the Taiga, 300km from any town, and in a village care home where no Muscovite has ever been," Elizaveta Oleskina explains.

"The true amount of the death toll and what's happening, we don't really know," he says. "Maybe we'll find out later."

 …うん、これ無理! と、そう…言わざるを得ないのでは。

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