BBC Hong Kong police: We don’t need Beijing’s help 17 August 2019 By Stephen McDonell
「Hong Kong's police say they have a grip on the protest movement」
「A senior officer we spoke to was adamant that "it won't happen". Hong Kong police "can handle" the current crisis, he said.」
「He added that speculation on social media that mainland Chinese police were already within their ranks - spurred partly by some officers not showing their identification numbers and rumours of Mandarin Chinese being spoken - was totally false.」
「The use of undercover police has led to concern and even paranoia among groups of protesters.
On Tuesday, activists attacked two men - including a Chinese state media journalist - at Hong Kong's airport, accusing them of being mainland officers.」
「Police have also come under fire for what - at times - is seen as a heavy-handed approach, including the use of tear gas in residential areas and underground train stations.」
「There is also a really crucial question regarding their long-term future: how can they start to rebuild public trust?」
BBC Hong Kong police: We don’t need Beijing’s help 17 August 2019 By Stephen McDonell
「Hong Kong's police say they have a grip on the protest movement」
「A senior officer we spoke to was adamant that "it won't happen". Hong Kong police "can handle" the current crisis, he said.」
「He added that speculation on social media that mainland Chinese police were already within their ranks - spurred partly by some officers not showing their identification numbers and rumours of Mandarin Chinese being spoken - was totally false.」
「The use of undercover police has led to concern and even paranoia among groups of protesters.
On Tuesday, activists attacked two men - including a Chinese state media journalist - at Hong Kong's airport, accusing them of being mainland officers.」
デモ隊に変装した警官を送り込むというのは各国行なっているが、そういうのは普通「公然の秘密」として扱われるわけで、ここまで「身バレ上等」っていう対応は初めて見る。 / “香港警察の「変装警官」がデモ参加者を逮捕 - BBCニュース” https://t.co/TxSAvgC105
— KASUGA, Sho (@skasuga) 2019年8月13日
Here’s a photo of a Hong Kong “protester” throwing a Molotov cocktail, but there’s a Glock pistol on his waist! Seems like this undercover police officer forgot to hide it or just leave it home. pic.twitter.com/MtUCvGvhPV
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) 2019年8月31日
香港デモで火炎瓶投げるデモ隊の腰に拳銃? 覆面警官かよ https://t.co/hE8xjo00KG
— 黒井文太郎 (@BUNKUROI) 2019年9月1日
「Police have also come under fire for what - at times - is seen as a heavy-handed approach, including the use of tear gas in residential areas and underground train stations.」
「There is also a really crucial question regarding their long-term future: how can they start to rebuild public trust?」