


2023-10-06 22:21:10 | Newsメモ

 そこでそんなJust Stop Oilについて解説記事があるので、読むとよいよ!というメモ。

BBC Just Stop Oil: What is it and what are its goals? 5 Oct 2023

 とにかく(悪)名高い事件をさんざっぱらおこしてるJust Stop Oil。道路を封鎖しノロノロ運転を強いたりスポーツイベントを邪魔したり劇場の上演を邪魔したり。そりゃ環境問題は重要だが、それでなんでノロノロ運転を推奨するんだこいつらは―といった不満が渦巻いているものだろう。

Just Stop Oil has carried out many high-profile protests, including blocking roads, stopping play at sports matches and halting theatre productions.

It wants action on climate change, but its tactics have faced criticism.

What is Just Stop Oil and what are its aims?


Just Stop Oil wants the UK to stop allowing the production of fossil fuels, which are a major cause of climate change.

It wants the government to "immediately halt all future licensing and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK".


Is it legal for Just Stop Oil to block roads?
No. The maximum penalty for the wilful obstruction of a highway in England and Wales is 51 weeks in prison. Offenders can also be fined.

 当然、警察の取り締まりコストもかかるわけであり、まあデカい数字なので我々みたいな一般人には感覚が取れない。何やらコストは4月から7月までですか、23500人分の警官のシフトに相当するとのことで、ひとり一日1万円の経費と渋めにみつもって2億3500万円? …超雑な概算ですらこうか。

What does it cost to police Just Stop Oil protests?
In July 2023, the Metropolitan Police said attending the group's 515 protests in London since April had cost it £7.7m, the equivalent of 23,500 officer shifts.

"This isn't protest, this is crime - and there is a difference," said assistant commissioner Matt Twist.


According to its website, most of its money comes from the Climate Emergency Fund - a US network set up in 2019 to fund climate activism.

That is part-funded by US philanthropist Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of petroleum tycoon J Paul Getty.

 なおお金はClimate Emergency Fundなる集団からでており、これは2019年に設置された財団で、その主要な支持者は石油企業の大立者の孫娘さんだとのこと。
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