


2020-03-05 15:39:03 | ナイジェリア事情

BBC Nigeria housing: 'I live in a floating slum' in Lagos 5 Mar 2020

From above, the Oko-Agbon neighbourhood, in the infamous Makoko floating slum, looks almost picturesque.

Little wooden shacks on stilts sit on top of dark water.

Residents move from one to another on canoes, calling out to neighbours and friends. Some outsiders have fancifully described it as the Venice of Africa.

However, get closer and it is a different picture.

The water is full of household rubbish, including needles and human faeces. There is a suffocating smell of rotten fish hanging in the air.


They said their village was destroyed to make way for a luxury development:

"We believe that it is for the economic benefit of a few pockets," one former resident told me. "Historically, other evicted sites have been turned into private estates and properties."

After Mr Francis' old neighbourhood, Otodo Gbame, was cleared three years ago, luxury apartments started springing up in the area.

But many say these developments are often too expensive for the majority, and tend to remain empty.

 土地の地上げに遭って逃げ込まざるを得なくなった人たちにとっては最後のよすがということになるが、じゃあなんで地上げに遭ったかって、高級マンションだのなんだの建てるためなんじゃないの? いままでずっとそうだったよね? で、だれの儲けになるのさ? ふつうのひとの手には届かないでしょうが、それ…。そんな憤懣が渦巻いているようす。
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