


2019-11-14 21:49:31 | Newsメモ

BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/health-50315970 13 Nov 2019 By Tulip Mazumdar

A second Ebola vaccine is to be offered to around 50,000 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as part of a major clinical trial.

The Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine will be used alongside a vaccine made by Merck, which has already been given to around 250,000 people.

Merck's jab has now been approved by the World Health Organization.


More than 2,100 people have died in DR Congo, in the second largest Ebola outbreak on record.

J&J's vaccine, which requires two doses given 56 days apart, will be available to adults and children over one, living in two areas of the DR Congo city of Goma, where there is no active transmission of the deadly disease.

Prof Bausch said: "The J&J vaccine is not ideally suited to an outbreak setting, primarily because it requires two doses to provide the optimal immunity."

But he said the vaccine "may provide longer-term immunity, and may be associated with fewer side-effects than a live virus vaccine, like the Merck one".

The number of new cases in DR Congo's Ebola outbreak has dropped significantly since its height in the spring, but there are still around 20 new infections reported every week.


Around 200 health facilities have been attacked since the outbreak began in August 2018, so introducing a new vaccine into already sceptical communities is a major task.

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