

Boko Haram:Bornoで農家を殺戮

2023-11-07 22:10:46 | ナイジェリア事情

BBC Villagers hacked to death by suspected Boko Haram fighters 6 Nov 2023 By Chris Ewokor

 バイクに乗って来襲したBoko Haramと思しい一団がカネと食料を要求。これを拒んだ農民たちを殺戮。カネのあてが少ないものとみえ、ナイフやマチェットでぶった切り。つまり非武装の農民を殺すのにあまり銃弾を使いたくない、ということかと思う。
Attackers believed to be from the Boko Haram Islamist group have killed at least 10 people in north-east Nigeria.

Residents of Zabarmari village in Borno state said the attackers arrived on motorbikes and targeted farmers as they harvested their crops.

A farmer who spoke to the BBC said the attackers came on Sunday evening riding motorbikes in groups, demanding food and money from the farmers.

When the farmers refused to yield to their demands, they hacked them to death with knives and machetes.


The incident has shocked local residents and brought back dark memories of a similar attack in November 2020. At the time, suspected Boko Haram militants killed more than 110 rice farmers in a gruesome massacre in the same area.
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