tetujin's blog


Limit of force comparison

2022-07-09 20:16:09 | bad news

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was attacked, and NHK and commercial broadcasters were immediately in the press. Television stations use the videos taken by the general public with smart phone. As a result, definitive video will be used. I don't watch those images because I don't watch TV, but NHK news seems to have aired a video of being shot by a gun and lying bloody. Then, there was a flood of complaint calls, and the video seems to have stopped flowing after that.

It's clearly overkill. The video with a loud gunshot was projected over and over again. Didn't the people involved think about how the vividness of the sound would affect the viewers? There is a great deal of lack of decency, such as continuing to play old war movies forever, which was called a historical drama that airs from 20:00 on Sunday.

NHK should once again think about what good coverage is. Leave the vivid and shocking coverage to the third-rate media aiming for audience ratings. A lot of violent images and sounds. At least it's not something that professionals who take money from viewers should do.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe passed away following shooting

2022-07-08 22:03:08 | bad news

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe passed away after being shot in the street in broad daylight while making a campaign speech in the central city of Nara, in an attack that has shocked the nation. Mr. Abe was making a speech in support of LDP candidates ahead of the upcoming Upper House elections scheduled for Sunday.

A suspect, identified as Tetsuya Yamagami, a local man in his 40s, was arrested and charged with murder. It appears the suspect used a handmade gun in the attack, though the motive remains unclear. He is being held for questioning at Nara Nishi police station. In response to the investigation, Yamagami-former Maritime Self-Defense Force member-  said, "I wanted to kill former Prime Minister Abe," but stated that "it is not a grudge against former Prime Minister Abe's political beliefs." ..

Mr. Abe was thinking of returning Japan to its prewar state (especially the period from the early Showa period when the went out of control to the defeat). Political and administrative policies that aroused fear of the unknown stood out.

 Mr. Abe's shooting has shocked Japan, which has one of the lowest rates of gun crime in the world due to its extremely strict gun control laws. 

Because it's a war?

2022-06-10 22:18:31 | bad news

It is wrong as a person those anything can be admitted because it is a quarrel.
Two Britons and a Moroccan sentenced to death by pro-Russian court in separatist part of Ukraine.

Three foreigners were judged to death, after accusing them of being "mercenaries" for Ukraine. The three -- British citizens Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner, and Moroccan national Brahim Saadoune -- were foreign fighters who had been captured in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol by Russian forces in April.

Russia is the only country that considers the DPR independent. The international community does not recognize the region and its institutions, and considers the territory to be part of Ukraine. Independent watchdog groups have long accused the separatists of a dismal human-rights track record and ill-treatment of prisoners.

All foreign volunteers to be members of its armed forces and to be lawful combatants entitled to treatment as prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions.

The judgment had absolutely no legitimacy. They are prisoners of war. This is a sham judgment with absolutely no legitimacy. 

nightmare?:North Korea assumes leadership of top disarmament group

2022-06-04 17:40:53 | bad news

North Korea, which is under sanctions for developing nuclear weapons in defiance of United Nations Security Council Resolutions, has taken over as head of a UN body aimed at striking disarmament deals amid scorn from critics.

This year North Korea has tested a flurry of ballistic missiles -- also banned by UNSC resolutions -- and appears to be preparing to conduct a new nuclear test for the first time since 2017.

The UN prohibits North Korea from ballistic and nuclear weapons tests, and has imposed strict sanctions after previous tests. Its overarching aim is to end the nuclear arms race and prevent nuclear war. However it's failed to produce any deals of note since 1996.

Ukraine collects evidence for war crimes cases

2022-05-19 22:36:09 | bad news

Evidence of war crimes, crimes against humanity in Ukraine but not genocide: Veteran investigator

The first Russian soldier to face trial for war crimes in Ukraine pleaded guilty to shooting and killing an unarmed 62-year-old civilian.
21-year-old soldier, who was part of a Russian tank unit captured by Ukrainian forces in early March, just days after the war began, faces a possible sentence of life in prison.

The soldier had been driving in a private vehicle with other soldiers, which they had stolen in an attempt to escape after their column came under attack by Ukrainian forces a few days after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

They drove to the village of Chupakhivka, where they came upon the victim, a 62-year-old man riding a bicycle and talking on his phone. He fired several shots out of his open car window at the victim's head, killing him instantly.