The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
”We believe the IOC’s determination to proceed with the Olympic Games is not informed by the best scientific evidence. The playbooks maintain that athletes participate at their own risk, while failing both to distinguish the various levels of risk faced by athletes and to recognize the limitations of measures such as temperature screenings and face coverings. Similarly, the IOC has not heeded lessons from other large sporting events.”
”Olympic athletes are instructed to supply their own face coverings, are encouraged (but not required) to be vaccinated against Covid-19, and will undergo testing at unspecified intervals after they arrive in Japan.”
この上の文章で”testing at unspecial intervals”とある。下のルールブックによれば、スクリーニング・テストはなるほど毎日行われるようだが、PCR検査は、スクリーニング・テストで疑わしきもの、明らかに陽性の場合とある。
Screening testing– In addition to tests taken before departure and on arrival in Japan, in principle you will be tested daily to minimise the risk of undetected positive cases that could transmit the virus
The initial tests will be a saliva antigen. If the results of the first test are unclear or positive, a saliva PCR test will be conducted from the same sample of saliva
International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee. The playbook: athletes and officials. April 2021 (https://olympics.com/ioc/tokyo-2020-playbooks. opens in new tab).