tetujin's blog


Bombing Kyiv when the U.N. leader was visiting the capital

2022-04-30 21:41:36 | 日記

The missile strike came barely an hour after Ukrainian President held a news conference with U.N. Secretary-General.

That was Russian true attitude toward global contriess and the attack was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s way of giving his middle finger to Guterres.

The missile strike came just as life in Kyiv seemed to be getting back a little closer to normal, with cafes and other businesses starting to reopen and growing numbers of people going out to enjoy the arrival of spring.

Russia is sending a clear signal about its intention to continue the war despite the international pressure.

Oh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away

War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away

The Next 'Great Dying' Is Coming for Seafood

2022-04-29 22:38:05 | bad news

A new report in the journal Science finds that if climate change isn’t curbed, we stand to lose so much biodiversity in the world’s oceans that it will rival a massive marine die-off  more than two-thirds of the species in the oceans at the time. The sea dies due to diminished diversity.

We have emitted 2,400 billion tons of carbon dioxide. To stay below 1.5 degrees, we must emit less than 300 billion tons more.
If we continue to emit 40 billion tons each year, our budget will run out within seven years. Of course, we cannot shut down all energy utilities in the world overnight, so the only orderly way to do this is to bend the global curve of emissions now, because that's what all science shows.

Now is the last chance we have to bend the global curve. What is the most rapid pace of emission reduction that we can accomplish? Well, there's no study that suggests that we can go faster than 6, 7% per year, because 6, 7% per year, that is cutting by half in a decade. Cutting our emissions in half every decade is an exponential rate of change.

Anyone can adopt this pace. We can do it as individuals. We can be fossil fuel-free in one generation, in 30 years' time. And a company can do it, or a country can do it, or the world can/must do it.

Russia cuts off gas supply to Poland and Bulgaria

2022-04-28 22:37:14 | bad news

Russia's state-owned natural gas company announced it has stopped supplying natural gas to Poland and Bulgaria. 
It will not be supplied until the price is settled in the ruble denominated by Russia. 
While the EU relies on Russian energy, it has argued that it is a "threat" to Europe that has imposed sanctions against Russia, and the conflict is inevitable.

On the other hand, Poland and Bulgaria announced that they had received notifications of supply suspension, but explained that there would be no problem with supply for the time being by securing alternative suppliers.

Russia's next target is Poland or Bulgaria or Japan? Surely, Russia is Injustice and unacceptable.

Could Russia be Suspended from the United Nations?

2022-04-27 22:20:27 | 日記

Russia and China have abused their veto power at the United Nations Security Council shamfuly over the years.

The UN General Assembly decided to automatically meet within 10 days, if the veto is used in the Security Council by one of its five permanent members.

This post considers the possibility of the Assembly going further still, and suspending from the UN even if a permanent member.

The possibility of a member state being suspended from the UN is described by article 5 of the UN Charter. That article states that: ‘a member of the UN against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by the Security Council may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.’ 

How would the world react if Russia launched a nuclear attack?

2022-04-26 22:00:53 | 日記

I am neither a military critic nor a politician. People with similar titles say Russia's economic sanctions should not be taken lightly because they are worried about Russia's nuclear attack.

Is that so?

Russia’s assault on Ukraine and its veiled threats of using nuclear arms have policymakers, past and present, thinking the unthinkable: How should Japanese respond to a Russian battlefield explosion of a nuclear bomb?

In such an attack, short range, lower yield ‘battlefield’ nuclear weapons – of which there are thought to be more than 1,000 in reserve – would be the most likely used.
Ukraine or other countries open to nuclear weapons explosions with the possibility of hundreds of thousand dead, depending on the target. Of course, Japan too. 

If Russia were to attack Ukraine with nuclear weapons, NATO countries would most likely respond on the grounds that the impact of nuclear weapons crosses borders and affects the countries surrounding Ukraine. 
NATO could respond either by using conventional forces on Russian strategic assets, or respond in kind using nuclear weapons as it has several options available. The US has around 150 B-61 nuclear gravity bombs stationed in five NATO countries – Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey – and the US, UK, and France also have long range capability for nuclear attacks under NATO auspices.

It is always possible – although assumed to be highly unlikely – that Putin may decide to launch a long-range ballistic missile attack against the US, but he knows – as do all his officials – that this would be the end of Russia.

In my opinion, it would be wise to think that Japan can curb attacks from Russia by cooperating with NATO countries, rather than receiving a nuclear attack without doing anything.