The company's going public:
Listing your company's stocks on the stock exchange is not a goal, but a new start, and you should expand your company from then on.
Therefore, I said at the time of my company going public, " Let's go back to our original intention at the company's foundation. I'd like to further make efforts along with you covered with sweat and mud." Even now I remember clearly that I told employees such a thing and I also made a new resolve at that time.
The company's going public:
Listing your company's stocks on the stock exchange is not a goal, but a new start, and you should expand your company from then on.
Therefore, I said at the time of my company going public, " Let's go back to our original intention at the company's foundation. I'd like to further make efforts along with you covered with sweat and mud." Even now I remember clearly that I told employees such a thing and I also made a new resolve at that time.