from today's Nikkei

2009年03月26日 08時54分05秒 | 新聞記事から
薄型パネル 次世代型の量産中止・延期 資金調達難、競争激しく ソニー系 技術の譲渡検討 東芝・パナソニック 携帯向け先送り

There are series of movements in many companies that they will revise their production plans for the next-generation flat panels,such as suspending or putting off them.One of the reasons is thought that they face difficulty in collecting funds necessary for the business in this dire economic condition.Another is severe competition at home and abroad among companies.Specifically, in the Sony-affiliated companies they have decided to suspend the business of the new type flat panel,which features high quality image and low consumption of electricity.Then they are now considering transferring their technologies to other firms.A joint company established by Toshiba and Panasonic will postpone its production of small-sized organic electro luminescence(EL) panels,which are used for cellular phone handsets.Electronic companies have made efforts to put the devices into the market on a commercial basis for a new revenue source, but the realities are very tough and severe for them.Ahead of its full-fledged poplularization, various kinds of movements for survival among companies seem to pick up.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年03月25日 10時05分16秒 | 新聞記事から
中国、40万店の小売り網 年内に整備 農村の消費促進 出店に補助金 雇用創出も狙う

According to the sources familiar with the matter, the Chinese government likely will establish a retail network in the agricultural regions consisting of 400,000 shops in total in order to expand its domestic demand within the year.With a combined 12 billion yuans injected into the program, the government will provide necessary supports including the offering of subsidy to the efforts of opening a new retail shop.This initiative of the Chinese government is apparently aimed at boosting the demand from farmers, whose population is more than the half of the total,amid the situation that export demand has sharply been declining due to the ongoing global financial crisis.Another aim of the initiative is to create the employment of migrant worker-turned farmers who have lost their jobs triggered by the recent recession.
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from tgoday's Nikkei

2009年03月24日 10時55分32秒 | 新聞記事から
米、最大1兆ドル規模 政府拠出1000億ドル 民間出資促す 不良資産買い取り発表 入札で価格決定

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner announced on Mrach 23 a scheme in which the government and investors in the private sector can jointly purchase bad loans of financial institutions.Specifically, they will establish a fund for it.Responding to the amount of the mony to the fund from the private sector's investors,the government will inject into the fund up to 100 billion dollars ( about 9.7 trillion yen) of public fund.

最大はup to を使えば表現できる。
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from tgoday's Nikkei

2009年03月23日 13時27分26秒 | 新聞記事から
カーシェア 普及加速 所有から利用 自動車に転機 パーク24 マツダレンタカーを買収 8600の駐車場活用 

So-called " car sharing business" will be accelerated in Japan.Recently, an increasing number of major firms have announced they will begin the service ,in which multiple members jointly use vehicles.Specifically, one of the biggest car-parking business firms Park24 Co. is expected to take over one of the major rent-a-car businesses at home Mazda Car Rental Corporation,based on Hiroshima city, within the month. After the deal,Park24 will participate in the business making use of many parking lots located across the country totaling as many as 8,600. As another movement, Orix Corporation and Mitsui&Co. and others are going to significantly expand their rent-a -car business.In these circumstances, it is estimated that in 5 years from now on the number of vehicles used in the car sharing service will amount to the 10,000 unit level. With this service taking root in a new transportation system in the urban areas,the prime concept for vehicles could be changed from "possession" to "utilization."

参考:「1万台」というときは、the +1万+単位(単数)+level で表現できる。levelの代わりにrange,markも使えるかも知れない。単位はこの場合unitと単数にしているが、複数であることに意味があれば複数もあるかもしれない。が、基本は単数と覚えていて間違いない。
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from today's Nikkei

2009年03月22日 11時57分07秒 | 新聞記事から
企業年金、株運用を圧縮 2月末利回り 株安でマイナス18% 相場けん引難しく 資生堂など債権増やす

In terms of the management of employees' pension funds, most of the fund managers are proceeding to reducing their stock ratios in their portfolios.It is because the yields of their portfolios this year declined to a record low of minus 18.6 percent as of the end of February this year due to the stock market stagnation.In these circumstances, cosmetics maker Shiseido's fund manager, for example, likely will increase the ratio of corporate bonds expected to bring more profits on a stable basis by decreasing the ratio of stocks among its portfolio.This movementis a showcase of employees' pension fund managers aimed at curbing the deteoration of their pension finances amid the current stock price declining. Then, from now on, there is littel possibility that they are playing a leading role in activating the stock market as predominat buyers as before.

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