薄型パネル 次世代型の量産中止・延期 資金調達難、競争激しく ソニー系 技術の譲渡検討 東芝・パナソニック 携帯向け先送り
There are series of movements in many companies that they will revise their production plans for the next-generation flat panels,such as suspending or putting off them.One of the reasons is thought that they face difficulty in collecting funds necessary for the business in this dire economic condition.Another is severe competition at home and abroad among companies.Specifically, in the Sony-affiliated companies they have decided to suspend the business of the new type flat panel,which features high quality image and low consumption of electricity.Then they are now considering transferring their technologies to other firms.A joint company established by Toshiba and Panasonic will postpone its production of small-sized organic electro luminescence(EL) panels,which are used for cellular phone handsets.Electronic companies have made efforts to put the devices into the market on a commercial basis for a new revenue source, but the realities are very tough and severe for them.Ahead of its full-fledged poplularization, various kinds of movements for survival among companies seem to pick up.
There are series of movements in many companies that they will revise their production plans for the next-generation flat panels,such as suspending or putting off them.One of the reasons is thought that they face difficulty in collecting funds necessary for the business in this dire economic condition.Another is severe competition at home and abroad among companies.Specifically, in the Sony-affiliated companies they have decided to suspend the business of the new type flat panel,which features high quality image and low consumption of electricity.Then they are now considering transferring their technologies to other firms.A joint company established by Toshiba and Panasonic will postpone its production of small-sized organic electro luminescence(EL) panels,which are used for cellular phone handsets.Electronic companies have made efforts to put the devices into the market on a commercial basis for a new revenue source, but the realities are very tough and severe for them.Ahead of its full-fledged poplularization, various kinds of movements for survival among companies seem to pick up.