from yesterday's Nikkei

2009年03月21日 12時51分11秒 | 新聞記事から
株評価損処理しやすく 損金算入の基準明確化 法人税を軽減 政府・与党、金融追加策で中間案 支援機構の住宅ローン 頭金不要に 

The government and ruling parties finalized on Thursday their work of making the interim draft of an additional economic measure for stabilizing the financial market. One of its pillars of the draft is to make easier the handling of the appraisal lossses of securities in the corporate settelements of accounts and then facilitate firms to pay a relatively reduced corporate tax.For the purpose, they acknowledged in the draft that there is a need to make clearer the standards for the cost caluculation in terms of taxation for the corporation.

Another pillar is that they create the scheme where many people can borrow a housing loan from Japan Housing Finance Agency more easily than before by making unnecessary payment of a deposit in some cases. and the government invests an additional public fund to Development Bank of Japan to generate a more favorable invironment for the corporate finance.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年03月21日 12時02分30秒 | 新聞記事から
素材、対中国輸出を拡大 三菱マテリアル 銅地金を出荷 東ソー 樹脂原料増産 景気対策で需要

Domestic material-manufacturing firms are going to expand their exports to China.Specifically, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation will begin the shipment of copper metal used for making electric wires,and Tosoh Corporation will resume its suspended production facility for producing resin materials in April. In china there is an increasing demand for materials for building social infrastructure and manufacturing household appliances, triggered by a large-scale pump-priming economic measure.

参考:一般論を言った後に、specifically がくれば、具体的に言えば、という意味になります。新聞記事などでの典型的パターンです。material-manufacururing とpump-priming は名詞+現在分詞(動詞ing)の形になっています。これは、「
動詞+名詞(目的後)」の意味からなる形容詞になっています。すなわち、前者は「材料を製造する」(会社)となり、後者は「ポンプに呼び水をさすような」(経済対策)ということになります。automobile-carrying vessel となれば、車を運ぶ船となります。名詞+過去分詞は、少し違っていて、「名詞が・・・・する」の意味になります。state-operated institution だと、「国が運営する組織」です。
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from today's Nikkei

2009年03月19日 10時19分33秒 | 新聞記事から
緊急雇用対策 日本型ワークシェアリング促進 政労使合意へ 雇調金を拡充

The three parties of the government,management and labor union,that is to say more precisely, of the government,Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren) and Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rebgo), likely will reach an agreement on an urgency employment measure on the 23rd of the month.And the outline of the draft has been made clear.According to the draft, one of the pillars of the measure is that the government will expand the range of subsidy for the employment adjustment scheme in order to help the management and the labor union promote so-called "Japanese-style work sharing" in the domestic work places.Another pillar is to provide the living supports for those unemployed for a long term. This is the first case in 7 years that the agreement among the parties of the government,management and labor union has been reached with regard to employment issues.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年03月18日 09時56分33秒 | 新聞記事から
太陽光発電 官民で強化策 シリコン安定調達へ融資 家庭の余剰電力買い取り 世界シェア1/3超に

The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry has recently come out with a comprehensive measure for enhancing the competitiveness of Japan's solar power generatioin industry in cooperation with private firms.Specifically, it intends to establish a system where the government-operated financial institutions are able to extend loans to firms relating to the business for supplying silicon,which is a prime material of the solar battery, on a stable basis.Another feature of the measure is that the ministry will create a new framework in which left-over electricity not used in the households could be purchased by power companies for the price double the current one.At present,Japan accounts for a fourth of the world's solar power generation through various kinds of efforts for its popularization. Under the policy of the ministry,Japan wants to enhance its production share to more than a third of the world's total production by the year of 2020.

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from today's Nikkei

2009年03月17日 12時28分19秒 | 新聞記事から
リコーやトヨタ 製造派遣、原則ゼロ 直接雇用にしフト 技術伝承で競争力

According to sources familiar with the matter,the two major companies of RICOH Company,Ltd. and Toyota Motor Corporation have decided not to deploy at their production sites so-called temporary workers( dispatched from temporary employment agencies) as a basic rule.They seem to make a decision that depending too much on dispatched workers, whose tenure is limited up to three years in the longest, makes it difficult for them to maintain and improve their product quality and productivity. Then they will shift to direct employment of necessary human resources at their production sites.Employing human resources as regular workers in(from) a long-term perspective is favorable in transferring excellent technologies from people to people and also in keeping corporate competitiveness in their each global market.

参考:最後のin their each global marketは私の趣味が入っています。each をあえて使っているわけですが、each を使わなければ、in their global markets となるでしょう。想定されるglobal market は会社毎に違うわけですから、複数存在します。けれどeach と限定した瞬間に単数の概念になります。each を使えそうなときはeach を使うというのが私の最近の趣味のひとつであります。According to sources familiar with the matterも私の最近の好みのフレーズです。
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