今日覚えたい単語は "eponymous" でこの言葉も "Slam Dunks and No-Brainers" にあったのですがその文にあった人名は私の全く知らない名前なので "eponymous" を含み、私が知っている人名を含む別の文章をWebで探すことにしました。選んだのは "Martha Stewart" です、彼女を知らない米国人はほとんどいないでしょう。ではまず "Martha Stewart" と "eponymous" を含む次ぎの文を引用します。
The impact of Martha going green would be enormous --- she rules over myriad eponymous brands, including Martha Stewart Flowers, Martha Stewart Crafts, Martha Stewart Paints, Martha Stewart Furniture, Martha Stewart Everyday at Kmart---and she's just launched another line of home and kitchen goods at Macy's, as well as her own Flor tiles.
自分の名前を冠したブランドがずらりと出ていますね。Martha Stewart Living と題したTV番組や雑誌、Martha Stewart Entertainingとベストセラーになった本の出版もあります。もう "eponymous" の意味が大体想像できますね。念のために辞書を引きます。
Of, relating to, or being the person after which something is named
例: Eponymous passwords are not a good idea.
Robinson Crusoe is the eponymous hero of the book.
Prince Hamlet is the eponymous protagonist of the Shakespearian tragedy Hamlet.
Dictionary.com/Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. The hypothetical individual who is assumed as the person from whom any race, city, etc., took its name; as, Hellen is an eponym of the Hellenes.
2. A name, as of a people, country, and the like, derived from that of an individual.
日本でもTV番組にはホストの名前を冠した "eponymous" programs が多くありますね。
The impact of Martha going green would be enormous --- she rules over myriad eponymous brands, including Martha Stewart Flowers, Martha Stewart Crafts, Martha Stewart Paints, Martha Stewart Furniture, Martha Stewart Everyday at Kmart---and she's just launched another line of home and kitchen goods at Macy's, as well as her own Flor tiles.
自分の名前を冠したブランドがずらりと出ていますね。Martha Stewart Living と題したTV番組や雑誌、Martha Stewart Entertainingとベストセラーになった本の出版もあります。もう "eponymous" の意味が大体想像できますね。念のために辞書を引きます。
Of, relating to, or being the person after which something is named
例: Eponymous passwords are not a good idea.
Robinson Crusoe is the eponymous hero of the book.
Prince Hamlet is the eponymous protagonist of the Shakespearian tragedy Hamlet.
Dictionary.com/Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. The hypothetical individual who is assumed as the person from whom any race, city, etc., took its name; as, Hellen is an eponym of the Hellenes.
2. A name, as of a people, country, and the like, derived from that of an individual.
日本でもTV番組にはホストの名前を冠した "eponymous" programs が多くありますね。