English Collection



2008年06月22日 | 英語学習
メルマガのAracaMax Vocabularyでとりあげる単語は難しい言葉が多く、いつも流し読みでたまにしか気にしないのですが先日取り上げられた単語("constitutional")は知っている単語なのですが、説明に書かれている意味が私の知っている意味「憲法上の」とは全然関係ない様なので引っ掛かりました。
constitutional - A walk taken for one's health.
例文: "A wise physician does not simply give a tonic for a diseased limb, or a high fever; the patient might be dead before the constitutional remedy could become effective." -- Charles Waddell Chesnutt, 'The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories'
そこで辞書(OneLook Quick Definitions)を見ると、何と最初に出てくる説明は:(名)a regular walk taken as a form of exercise 、(形) of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup (Example: "Constitutional walk")
(形) of or relating to a constitution (例: "Constitutional amendments")
(形) sanctioned by or consistent with or operating under a constitution (例: "The constitutional right of free speech")
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