Edward Snowden keen to return home after 3 years in Russia
Former CIA operative turned whistleblower Edward Snowden, who caused a global scandal when he leaked thousands of classified documents revealing the U.S. and UK's global system of eavesdropping on their own citizens, has been hiding in Russia since June 2013, but apparently still wants to return to the U.S. CIA諜報員から告発者として世界的なスキャンダルを引き起こしたスノーデンは2013年からロシアに隠れているがまだUSに戻りたがっている。
"Ed Snowden has played it very straight," director Oliver Stone, whose biopic of the former CIA agent, Snowden, will receive its U.S. premiere on Sept. 16, said in an interview with The Huffington Post on Sept. 12. "He loves the United States, and wants to go back home."オリバーストーンの映画スノーデンが放映される前のインタビューで彼はアメリカに戻りたがっている、とのこと。
Snowden himself underlines that Russia for him is only a temporary refuge. In a Sept. 13 interview with British newspaper The Guardian the former agent expressed the hope that U.S. President Barack Obama will pardon him before he leaves the White House in January 2017. For now, what awaits Snowden back home are criminal proceedings and, most likely, a long prison term.ロシアは一時的な避難場所だとしている。ガーディアンとのインタビューによると。オバマが許せば戻りたいのだね。今戻ると刑務所行きになる。
Stuck in Moscow
In the interview Snowden reminded everyone that he came to Russia by chance – in June 2013 Moscow was a stopover on his journey to South America, where he planned to take refuge from the U.S. authorities. But the U.S. abruptly annulled his identification papers and he had no choice but to remain in Russia, which agreed to provide him with asylum. On Aug. 1, 2014 the former agent received a three-year residence permit.南米への向かう途中難民申請がUSに拒絶されやむなくロシア滞在になった。3年の居住許可を得た。
It is unknown exactly where Snowden is living. The mass media says that he lives either in Moscow or in the Moscow Region, but he has the possibility to travel throughout Russia. Speaking to The Nation in October 2014, Snowden mentioned that he had been in St. Petersburg and really liked it there.スノーデンがどこに居住しているか知られていないが、彼は自由にロシアを旅している。2014年10月にはペテルブルグにいると話している。そしてその街が好きだとー。芸術に溢れる街ですよね。
A quiet life
In Snowden's words, he is an "indoor cat" who is comfortable spending most of his time in his apartment working with his computer. He spends more of his time on the internet than anywhere else, he says. He continues speaking in English but knows Russian well enough to order something in a restaurant. The former CIA employee admits that he has consciously decided not to settle in Russia.家猫のようなスノーデン。PCの前で以前より働いている。ロシア定住を決めていない。
Snowden also works on the internet. He makes a living by giving public lectures on the internet and developing mechanisms that help increase security for journalists on the net.インターネットで働いているスノーデン。講演やジャーナリストにセキュリティーの増強についてネットのメカニズムなどを探求[開発]しつつけている。
His exile in Russia has not separated him from his friends and family: According to the mass media, his girlfriend Lindsay Mills moved to Russia in 2014 and lives with him. His father Lonnie Snowden has also been to Russia, back in October 2013.ガールフレンドのリンズリーは2014年から同棲している。父親もロシアにいる。
A Kremlin critic
In September 2015 Snowden criticized the Kremlin's internet policy, saying that the Russian government is trying to control the net, as well as accusing Russia of the violation of sexual minorities' rights.2015年9月にスノーデンはクレムリンのネット政策を批判した。ロシア政府がネットを支配しょうとしている。性的マイノリティーの権利の剥奪を批判している。
"This drive that we see in the Russian government to control more and more the internet, [and] deciding what is the appropriate or inappropriate way for people to express their love [is] fundamentally wrong," he told The Guardian.
The passing in July 2016 of anti-terrorist legislation (the so-called "Yarovaya Package"), which requires operators to preserve users' calls and messages and if necessary pass them to government organs, also disturbed the former spy.2016年7月の反ーテロリスト法案Yarovayaにも批判している。
"Putin has signed a repressive new law that violates not only human rights, but common sense. Dark day for Russia," he wrote on his Twitter feed. He called the Yarovaya Package a “Big Brother Law.”基本的人権と常識を侵している。
The Russian government is calm about Snowden's criticism. "He lives in Russia but that doesn’t mean something is imposed on him," said Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on Snowden's statements. "There is a discussion and this is perfectly normal."ロシア政府はスノーデンの批判に冷静に対応している。
Will Obama pardon him?オバマは彼を許すか?
Yury Rogulev, director of the Franklin Roosevelt Foundation for U.S. Studies, doubts that Barack Obama will pardon Snowden and permit him to return to his homeland. "Obama did not like how Snowden wound up in Russia. I don't think he will suddenly change his mind," Rogulev told the Kommersant business daily.オバマはロシアにいるスノーデンを許すことはない、が答え。
Thus Snowden's future remains unclear. In the words of his lawyer Anatoly Kuchereny, the former CIA agent has still not decided what he will do when his residence permit expires on Aug. 1, 2017.スノーデンの未来は分らない。彼の弁護士Anatoly Kucherenyは彼の滞在許可起源2017年8月1日以降彼がどうするかまだ決めていないと云う。
"Life is complex and multifaceted and no one knows what will happen," Interfax cites Kuchereny as saying.人生は複雑で多様な顔を持っていて何が起こるか誰もわからない。