


2014-11-07 21:06:01 | ジェンダー&フェミニズム
「白人ならどんな日本人女性ともヤレる」と、自らのセミナーで発言をする、強制わいせつデートコーチのJulien Blancの入国を阻止せよ! Stop
  • 宛先:日本入国管理局 

「白人ならどんな日本人女性ともヤレる」と、自らのセミナーで発言をする、強制わいせつデートコーチのJulien Blancの入国を阻止せよ! Stop "pick-up artist" Julien Blanc, who profits off of teaching seminars on how to abuse women, from entering Japan!

    2. 発信者

      Queen Jackal



















Julien Blanc, the so-called "pick-up artist" and "date coach" who gained notoriety worldwide for his abusive "dating" techniques and his documentation of such abuse, including the now-infamous "White male f*cks Asian women in Tokyo (And the beautiful methods to it!)" video, has publicly posted to his Twitter and Facebook accounts that he is headed back to Tokyo within the next few weeks, and he is NOT welcome in Japan.

His video depicts him grabbing random women and forcing their heads to his crotch, and even grabbing a convenience store worker and forcibly kissing her while she is on the job. But beyond these antics, it also showed something more sinister--him teaching a seminar to other (primarily white) men, teaching them to "pick up" Japanese women by just grabbing them and shoving their faces into the man's genital area. He proudly proclaims to his students, "If you’re a white male in Tokyo, you can do what you want. I’m just romping through the streets, just grabbing girls’ heads, just like, head, pfft on the dick, head on the dick, yelling, ‘Pikachu,’ with a Pikachu shirt (on)."

After this video brought him under international scrutiny, more vile details about his "techniques" were revealed, including putting his female "targets" into choke-holds and other demeaning positions (his own photographs confirm this), promoting the use of domestic violence, both physical and psychological, to get women to stay with him, aggressively harassing women via online dating platforms, and creating numerous videos and articles encouraging aggressive and violent pick-up techniques (going so far as to compare his technique to American serial killer Ted Bundy).
He is, in essence, making a living off of misogyny, racism, abuse, and harassment, and teaching techniques on how to do it and how to get away with it.

Needless to say, the international backlash has been overwhelming, and the public outcry has led to hotels in Australia and America cancelling the reservations to host his seminars, and online ticketing companies to drop his events from their sales sites.

Now is the time that Japan must act.
Aside from rumors that he will be holding seminars in Tokyo from November 15-17, it is clear that he is coming to Tokyo with the purpose of committing "forcible indecency," a crime which is punishable under the Japanese Penal Code.

We are asking for Japanese immigration to deny entry to Julien Blanc, as he is trying to enter the country with the intent of committing criminal acts.
Additionally, we also have reason to believe that he may not possess the proper visa to hold his seminars, which he and the company he works for (RSD- Real Social Dynamics) directly profit from.
Furthermore, as evidenced by his own video of him abusing Japanese women in public, he is also profitting (almost certainly without consent) from documenting his aggressive and violent "pick-up" tactics in action.
Therefore, we request Japan's Department of Immigration to bar his entry from the country.

If in the event that Julien is able to enter Japan, we are requesting that popular nightlife spots coorperate to bar him from entry, increase awareness of his actions and those of possibe copycats/"students" of Julien, and to encourage victims to come forward.

People of Japan and the world, let's come together to stop this violent, racist misogynist in his tracks.


