

Unplugging Americans From The Matrix:中国とアメリカの比較です!似た考えのエッセイ!

2012-07-03 02:53:24 | 世界の潮流


Unplugging Americans From The Matrix

Americans, the British, and Western Europeans are accustomed to thinking of themselves as the representatives of freedom, democracy, and morality in the world. The West passes judgment on the rest of the world as if the West is God and the rest of the world are barbarians in need of chastisement, invasion, and occupation. As readers know, from time to time I raise questions about the validity of the West’s extreme hubris. (See for example, the following articles: Washington’s Insouciance Has No Rival and Is Western Democracy Real or a Facade? )

China is often a country about which Washington’s moralists get on their high horse. However, China’s “authoritarian” government is actually more responsive to its people than America’s “elected democratic” government. Moreover, however incomplete on paper the civil liberties of China’s people, the Chinese government has not declared that it can violate with impunity whatever rights Chinese citizens have. And it is not China that is running torture prisons all over the globe.

For some time I have had in mind a realistic comparison of the two countries instead of the standard propagandistic comparison, but Ron Unz has beat me to the task (see, China’s Rise, America’s Fall and Chinese Melamine and American Vioxx: A Comparison ). Unz provides a chance for an education. Don’t miss it.

Unz has done an excellent job. Moreover, he cleverly understates the case for China and overstates the case for America so as not to unduly arouse the flag-wavers. Nevertheless, the conclusion is clear: The Chinese are less threatened by their “extractive elites” than Americans are by their counterparts.

Moreover, it is America’s, not China’s, extractive elites who are bombing, occupying, and droning other countries. As the bumper sticker says, “Be nice to America or we will bring democracy to your country.”

As for economic management, there is no comparison. Unz reports that during the past three decades China has achieved the most rapid rate of economic development in human history. Moreover, most of the new income has flowed into the pockets of Chinese workers, not to the one percent. While American real median incomes have been stagnant for decades, incomes for Chinese workers have doubled every decade for three decades. A recent World Bank report attributes more than 100 percent of the drop in global poverty rates to China’s rise.

In the last decade China’s industrial output quadrupled. China now produces more automobiles than America and Japan combined and accounted for 85 percent of the increase in the world’s production of cars in the past decade.

In 1978 the American economy was 15 times larger than China’s. In the next few years China’s GDP is expected to exceed that of the US.

This is heady stuff providing astonishing details of how poorly Americans are served by their elites.

America has failed, because political elites represent only the powerful special interests that write the country’s laws in exchange for funding the political campaigns of “lawmakers.” To divert attention from their failures, American elites point fingers at external scapegoats. China, for example, is accused of manipulating its currency. As Unz says, the scapegoating is political theater designed for the ignorant and gullible.

America’s economists, or most of them, have so prostituted themselves that propaganda has become wisdom. Most Americans believe that if China would simply let the value of its currency rise more rapidly relative to the dollar, America’s economic woes would be at an end. It is beyond belief that any economist could think that Americans with stagnant and declining incomes would be made better off by a sharp rise in the prices of goods manufactured in China on which Americans are dependent, or that the US dollar’s role as reserve currency, the main source of American power, could survive such a manifestation of Chinese economic superiority.

Americans associate lawlessness with unaccountable governments and view China’s government as unaccountable. However, Unz points out that it is the Bush/Obama Regime that has declared itself to be unaccountable to both US and international law.

The demise of the War Powers Act and the Geneva Conventions, and the asserted power of the executive to imprison without trial or charges or to assassinate any American whom the executive thinks might be a “national-security threat” are indicative of a total police state masquerading as an accountable democracy. In America six-year old little girls who misbehave in school are handcuffed, jailed, and charged with felonies. (see, 10 Disgusting Examples of Very Young School Children Being Arrested, Handcuffed and Brutalized By Police ) Not even Hitler and Stalin went this far.

Americans have lost control of the government, and governments that are not controlled by the people are not democracies. In America today, Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and the entire social safety net are threatened by the vociferous desire for war profits by armament plutocrats and by financial institutions determined that ordinary citizens bear the cost of the banksters incompetence and fraud.

Unz’s comparison of how the Chinese media and government handled the melamine or infant formula scandal and how the American media and government handled Merck’s Vioxx scandal is especially damning. It was China’s controlled media and unaccountable government that punished the infant formula wrongdoers, while America’s free press and accountable government allowed Merck to walk.

Unz’s conclusion is that it is in America, not China, where life is regarded as cheap.

Ron Unz is an American hero, and a very courageous one. As George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

It is an even more courageous act when no one wants to hear the truth. As Frantz Fanon said, “Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.”

Or as it is explained to Neo in the film, “The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”

Most of the people I know personally are not willing to be unplugged. I assume my readers are, so seize the opportunity to be further unplugged and read Ron Unz’s comparison of America and China.

Then do what you can to unplug others.

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About Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.




  1. avatar

    In historical terms, the USA is very young, an experiment if you will. Simply put, the Republic was founded as a reaction to the old Feudal and old colonial system in favor of the new liberal (in the economic sense of the word) enlightened age of trade and early capitalism. It created a Republic in opposition to Empire. (Of course it was not perfect and could be said to have always benefitted the wealthy at the expense of the majority but did offer many more rights and liberties to many more than before)
    However, one irony is that in an historically short length of time, the Republic was founded and quickly expanded into a global Empire. The British, once imperial overlords, are now subservient lackeys to the US Empire. The main centers of global power shifted from London to Washington and now will shift to Beijing.

    One question that has been asked rhetorically: “If and when China becomes world hegemon, do you think they will act more benevolently than the USA has”. This question is usually asked by less objective nationalistic and interventionist types. Since the USA has such an atrocious track record of mass murder and injustices around the globe, it would be quite difficult for China to match. The only parallel would be China’s treatment of Tibet. However, even that does not come close to the USA’s slaughter of several millions of innocents in Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos and more recently Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya. (soon Syria, Iran) and support of genocide by Israel against the Palestinians. Domestically, the treatment of native American Indians, Blacks and poor whites is arguably worse than China’s treatment of its domestic populations, especially when one takes into consideration the level of “economic development” and that the US boasts itself as the world’s first “democracy”

  2. 《以下は翻訳です!マスコミに載らない海外記事より》*************

    1. 『マトリックス』からアメリカ人を解き放つ

    2. Paul Craig Roberts


    3. アメリカ人、イギリス人や、西欧諸国の人々は、自分達のことを世界における自由、民主主義と徳性の代表だと考えることに慣れている。西欧は、あたかも西欧が神で、それ以外の国々は折檻や侵略や占領が必要な野蛮人だという具合に他の国々を評価している。読者の皆様は御承知の通り、西欧の極端な思い上がりの妥当性について、小生は時折疑問を呈してきた。(例えば以下の記事をご覧頂きたい。「ワシントンの無頓着男に敵無し(英語原文)(拙訳)」と「西欧民主主義は現実か見せかけか?」(英語原文))


    この二国を、一般によくあるプロパンダ用比較でなく、現実的に比較してみたいものだとかねがね考えていたが、その点、ロン・アンスには脱帽せざるを得ない(「中国の勃興、アメリカの没落、そして中国のメラミンとアメリカのVioxx: 一つの比較」を参照=英語原文)。アンスはいい勉強の機会を与えてくれている。お見逃しのないよう。










    戦争権限法とジュネーブ協定の崩壊や、裁判や告訴無しで投獄したり、行政府が“国家安全保障上の脅威”である可能性を認めたアメリカ人なら誰でも殺害したりする行政府の権力の主張は、責任の所在を明らかにする民主主義になりすましている完全な警察国家を示唆している。アメリカでは学校で悪さをした6歳の少女が手錠をかけられ、投獄され、重罪で告発される。(「幼い学童が警官に逮捕され、手錠をかけられ、残忍に扱われる10の最悪例」を参照(英語原文)) ヒトラーやスターリンですら、ここまでひどくはなかった。









    Paul Craig Robertsは、元経済政策担の財務次官補で、ウオストリジャナルの元共同編集者。ビジネスウィク、スクリプスハワニュ ビスと、クリエシンジケトの元コラムニスト。彼は多の大えていた。彼のインタネットコラム www.paulcraigroberts.orgは世界中の支持者がんでいる。


    4. 以下はコメントである!

    5. In historical terms, the USA is very young, an experiment if you will. Simply put, the Republic was founded as a reaction to the old Feudal and old colonial system in favor of the new liberal (in the economic sense of the word) enlightened age of trade and early capitalism. It created a Republic in opposition to Empire. (Of course it was not perfect and could be said to have always benefitted the wealthy at the expense of the majority but did offer

    many more rights and liberties to many more than before)
    However, one irony is that in an historically short length of time, the Republic was founded and quickly expanded into a global Empire. The British, once imperial overlords, are now subservient lackeys to the US Empire. The main centers of global power shifted from London to Washington and now will shift to Beijing.

    1. One question that has been asked rhetorically: “If and when China becomes world hegemon, do you think they will act more benevolently than the USA has”. This question is usually asked by less objective nationalistic and interventionist types. Since the USA has such an atrocious track record of mass murder and injustices around the globe, it would be quite difficult for China to match. The only parallel would be China’s treatment of Tibet. However, even that does not come close to the USA’s slaughter of several millions of innocents in Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos and more recently Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya. (soon Syria, Iran) and support of genocide by Israel against the Palestinians. Domestically, the treatment of native American Indians, Blacks and poor whites is arguably worse than China’s treatment of its domestic populations, especially when one takes into consideration the level of “economic development” and that the US boasts itself as the world’s first “democracy”

    (アメリカはすでに地球の多くの人間を大量殺害してきた。中国はそうではない。チベット問題がそれに関して浮上するがアメリカが何百万も無垢な人々を殺してきた ことに比肩できない。ヴェトナム、カンボディア、ラオス、イラク、アフガニスタン、パキスタン、ソマリア、イェーメン、リビヤ、パレスチナ人の虐殺の支持などなど


