

今度は修道女への性的虐待が表に出ているのですね。The rape of nuns - another Catholic Church cover up? | DW News

2019-02-11 06:42:02 | 地球、惑星、宇宙、実存、宗教、神秘

The rape of nuns - another Catholic Church cover-up? | DW News


The Catholic Church has been hit by yet another abuse scandal. Pope Francis has acknowledged that high-ranking members of the clergy sexually abused and raped nuns. Francis admitted suspending priests and bishops for abusing women and promised to do more to eradicate the problem. Up to now, the Vatican has done almost nothing to address the crimes. Campaigners say therapists are protected by a culture of silence and secrecy. Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/user/deutschew...




少女の裸の写真を撮ったビーショップ (主教、司教、僧正、司祭) が同じ地位にとどまっている教会?!

少年を襲う猛禽類の神父と比喩されていますね。宗教的権威や神秘のベールの腐敗はFair is foul, and foul is fairですね。



Pope publicly admits priests, bishops have sexually abused


Associated PressPublished 2:17 p.m. ET Feb. 5, 2019 | Updated 6:58 p.m. ET Feb. 5, 2019


Pope Francis has for the first time publicly acknowledged the scandal of priests and bishops sexually abusing nuns and says he is committed to doing more to fight the problem.  主教、司教、僧正、司祭 ビショップ


ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE – Pope Francis has for the first time publicly acknowledged the scandal of priests and bishops sexually abusing nuns and says he is committed to doing more to fight the problem.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Francis noted that Pope Benedict XVI had taken action against a France-based order after some of its religious sisters had been reduced to “sexual slavery” at the hands of the priest who founded the order and other priests.

“Should we do something more? Yes. Is there the will? Yes. But it’s a path that we have already begun,” Francis said while returning home from the United Arab Emirates.

“It’s not that everyone does this, but there have been priests and bishops who have,” Francis added. “And I think that it’s continuing because it’s not like once you realize it that it stops. It continues. And for some time we’ve been working on it.”

The issue has come to the fore amid the Catholic Church’s overall reckoning with the sexual abuse of minors and the #MeToo-inspired acknowledgment that adults can be victims of abuse whenever there is an imbalance of power in a relationship. In the past year, The Associated Press and other media have reported on cases of abused nuns in India, Africa, Europe and South America – evidence that the problem is by no means limited to a certain geographic area.地球的規模で起こっているのですね。

Sex abuse scandals around the world have damaged the credibility of the Catholic hierarchy. In 2018, Pope Francis attempted to make amends and laid the groundwork for the future. (Dec. 27) AP教会の権威や信頼性が損なわれるは無理ないですね。

In November, the organization representing all the world’s female Catholic religious orders, the International Union of Superiors General, publicly denounced the “culture of silence and secrecy” that prevented nuns from speaking out and urged sisters to report abuse to their superiors and police. And just last week, the women’s magazine of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano identified the clerical culture of the all-powerful clergy as the culprit. The magazine, “Women Church World,” noted that the scandal involves a corollary: nuns being forced to abort the priests’ children.沈黙と秘密主義が隠してきた歴史。

Francis said some clergy had been suspended for mistreating sisters. But he also noted that the mistreatment of women is a problem in society at large, where women are still considered “second-class citizens.”二流市民の女性たち!

 “It’s a cultural problem. I dare say that humanity hasn’t matured,” he said, adding that in some parts of the world the mistreatment gets to the point of feminicide.文化的問題だ。人類はまだ成熟していないとポープフランシス。ある文化圏では女性殺し(犠牲)まである。

Francis credited Benedict,popefrom2005-2013, with having had the courage to tackle the problem, saying the popular impression that he was somehow weak was completely wrong.

He said Benedict took action against the French congregation “because certain slavery of women had crept in, slavery to the point of sexual slavery on the part of clergy or the founder,” he said.

“Sometimes the founder takes away or empties the freedom of the sisters. It can come to this,” Francis said.


Pope Francis vowed the Catholic Church will never cover up clergy sex abuse and demanded priests who have raped and molested children to turn themselves in. USA TODAY

Asked if any universal norms might be in the works to tackle the problem – as has been done to handle cases of clergy sexual abuse of minors – Francis implied that the priestly abuse of nuns was still being dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

“There are cases, usually in new congregations and in some regions more than others,” he said. “We’re working on it.”

“Pray that this goes forward,” he said of the Vatican efforts to fight it. “I want it to go forward.”










前者は、オーストリアのローマ・カトリック教会最高指導者クリストフ・シェーンボルン枢機卿(74)だ。バイエルン放送(BR)のドキュメンタリー番組「教会の性犯罪」の中で枢機卿自身が若い時、神父に接吻されようとしたことがあったと告白した。一方、元修道女はドリス・ヴァーグナーさん(36)。ドイツで生まれ、高等学校卒業資格(アビトゥ―ア)を習得後、19歳でオーストリアのブレーゲンツのカトリック教系修道院「The Work」に入り、修道女生活を始めたが、修道院内だけではなく、バチカン教理省内に勤務していた時も神父から性的虐待を受けた生々しい体験を語った。











ドリス・ヴァーグナーさんの著書「Nicht mehr ich」(Droemer Knaur出版)


ヴァーグナーさんは修道院を去った後、「もはや私ではない」(原題「Nicht mehr ich」)という本を出版し、修道院時代の体験を克明に記述している。彼女は「教会は自分の故郷だから、その故郷を批判したり、悪口を言うことに強い抵抗があった。同時に、他の修道女から私のような体験をした女性が少なくないことを知って驚いた」と語った。








バチカンで今月21日から聖職者の性犯罪を協議する「世界司教会議議長会議」が開かれる。聖職者の性犯罪は今日、カトリック教会の最上層部まで及んできた。フランシスコ法王は法王就任直後、バチカン改革を推進するために9人の枢機卿を集めた頂上会議(C9)を新設し、教会内外に改革刷新をアピールしたが、9人の枢機卿のうち、少なくとも3人の枢機卿(バチカン財務長官のジョージ・ペル枢機卿、ホンジュラスのオスカル・アンドレス・ロドリグリエツ・ マラディアガ枢機卿、サンチアゴ元大司教のフランシスコ・エラスリス枢機卿)は今日、聖職者の性犯罪や財政不正問題の容疑を受けている。フランシスコ法王が主張する教会刷新の実相が如何なるものか、これで分かるだろう。「ビガーノ書簡」でも明らかになったように、フランシスコ法王の周辺にも性犯罪の容疑者が多数いるのだ(「カトリック教会は『性犯罪組織』か」2019年1月10日参考)。











