“Fantasies often shape history and cause people to do terrible things.”
5 Lessons For The 21st Century: How To SURVIVE & THRIVE In The New World | Yuval Noah Harari
On Today's Episode:
The future of jobs, democracy, and humanity are constantly changing and constantly being threatened by the rise of technology. With the rise of social media, biotech, and infotech covering everything from your social life, and your online life, to your healthcare, algorithms and artificial intelligence are inescapable and highly influencing your decisions, thoughts, and emotional state.
The future of jobs, democracy, and humanity are constantly changing and constantly being threatened by the rise of technology. With the rise of social media, biotech, and infotech covering everything from your social life, and your online life, to your healthcare, algorithms and artificial intelligence are inescapable and highly influencing your decisions, thoughts, and emotional state.
Yuval Noah Hariri is best known for the profound and influential work he did giving a complete overview of human history in his bestseller, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Yuval looks at how technology and cultural beliefs impact human progress.
ユヴァル・ノア・ハリリは、ベストセラー『Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind(サピエンス:人類史)』で人類史の全貌を明らかにした深遠かつ影響力のある業績でよく知られている。ユヴァルは、テクノロジーと文化的信条が人類の進歩にどのような影響を与えるかを考察している。
Yuval is a historian and professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the co-founder of the social impact company Sapienship. In this episode with Yuval, we’re forced to question, what are the real issues we’re facing as humanity?
Even more importantly, are you prepared to survive and thrive in this world shaped by data, biotech, algorithms, and corruption?
ユヴァル・ノア・ハリリは、ベストセラー『Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind(サピエンス:人類史)』で人類史の全貌を明らかにした深遠かつ影響力のある業績でよく知られている。ユヴァルは、テクノロジーと文化的信条が人類の進歩にどのような影響を与えるかを考察している。
Yuval is a historian and professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the co-founder of the social impact company Sapienship. In this episode with Yuval, we’re forced to question, what are the real issues we’re facing as humanity?
Even more importantly, are you prepared to survive and thrive in this world shaped by data, biotech, algorithms, and corruption?
Yuval and Tom explore ideas around
Constructing your own story
Understanding the power and how it corrupts
3 principles you need to thrive future
Yuval Hariri thoughts:
“It’s the first time that we invent something that can take power away from us, [...] every previous invention in history gave more power to humans.”
“Somebody that has all the information of all the people, they basically control everybody.”
Humans don’t really fight about objective biological things, [...] they fight about fantasies in their mind.”
“When info-tech merges with biotech what you get is the ability to create algorithms that understand me better than I understand myself.”
Constructing your own story
Understanding the power and how it corrupts
3 principles you need to thrive future
Yuval Hariri thoughts:
“It’s the first time that we invent something that can take power away from us, [...] every previous invention in history gave more power to humans.”
“Somebody that has all the information of all the people, they basically control everybody.”
Humans don’t really fight about objective biological things, [...] they fight about fantasies in their mind.”
“When info-tech merges with biotech what you get is the ability to create algorithms that understand me better than I understand myself.”
“Our identity is really just a story that we constantly construct and embellish. The entire human mind is a machine that constantly produces stories, and especially one very important story, which is my story.”
“Fantasies often shape history and cause people to do terrible things.”
“Fantasies often shape history and cause people to do terrible things.”
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
李飛飛 1976年(46 - 47歳) 中国 | |
アメリカ合衆国 | |
コンピューター科学 | |
カリフォルニア工科大学 | |
プロジェクト:人物伝 | |
テンプレートを表示 |
フェイフェイ・リ(Fei-Fei Li、李飛飛、1976年 - )は中国生まれのアメリカ人コンピューター科学者。
北京に生まれ16歳でアメリカに移住、プリンストン大学卒業後にカリフォルニア工科大学で電気工学の博士号を取得[1]。2006年から2014年までグーグルに勤務[2]。2009年、スタンフォード大学に着任。2015年、スタンフォード人工知能研究所の所長としてトヨタ自動車と連携研究センター設立の合意を発表[3]。2016年、グーグルのAIと機械学習のチーフサイエンティストに就任。2017年、北京にグーグル AI中国研究センターを開設したことを正式発表[1]。2018年にグーグルを退社しスタンフォード大学に復帰。2020年5月11日、ツイッター社の独立取締役に就任したことが発表された。
- ^ a b “ツイッター社取締役に就任したAI学者、李飛飛氏の赤い経歴”. 大紀元時報. 2020年5月31日閲覧。
- ^ SHIMBUN,LTD, NIKKAN KOGYO. “【電子版】米グーグル、クラウド部門のAI責任者 フェイフェイ・リ氏が退社へ”. 日刊工業新聞電子版. 2020年5月31日閲覧。
- ^ “トヨタ、マサチューセッツ工科大学およびスタンフォード大学と連携研究センターを設立 | トヨタ自動車株式会社 公式企業サイト”. global.toyota. 2020年5月31日閲覧。