As concerns for Assange’s safety continued to grow, a Redditor claimed that a U.S. Gulfstream jet, claimed to be N379P, had taken off from a military base outside London shortly after the outage in the Ecuadorian embassy.
このブログをUPすると変な動画が貼りついています。でもわたしがUPしたわけではありません。GOOの皆さん、取り除いてください。わたしは張り付けていません。監視・検閲ですね! ↓↓↓↓↓以下の動画を張り付けていませんがUPされています!おかしいですね!
Julian Assangeが無事であることを念じるばかりです!
Ecuador says it cut WikiLeaks founder's internet over interference in US election
Officials confirm government cut off internet access for Julian Assange following a raft of leaked emails targeting Democrats
Assange’s internet access was cut off on Monday morning. It was not immediately clear who was responsible, though a tweet from the site’s official account claimed it had been “intentionally severed” by a “state party”.
It is not known who perpetrated the hacks that brought the emails to WikiLeaks. Assange’s organization styles itself a whistleblowing outfit and claims not to do or encourage any hacking itself.
Yet cybersecurity experts have linked the hack of the DNC emails to hackers tied to the Russian government, leading many – including Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook – to allege that Russia is using both hackers and Assange as tools to help rig the presidential election in favor of Donald Trump.
On Saturday, the anti-secrecy organisation released three transcripts of Clinton’s paid Goldman Sachs speeches, which her campaign team had long refused to release. The transcripts show how she bantered with the investment bank’s executives, which is likely to fuel fears among liberal Democrats that she is too cosy with Wall Street.←何千万円もの講演料金を彼らから受け取っているのですね。