Cult Documentary - Evil Cult Leaders (Investigation Discovery)
Documentary Content: Shoko Asahara, Adolfo Constanzo, Charles Manson, Jim Jones 中身はアサハラ、アドルフ・コンスタンゾ、チャールズ・マンソン、ジム・ジョーンズンについて
:動画を見ると、罪悪さを最高22までのスケールで計っているのですね。アサハラは16、アドルフは最高の22(13人を生贄にしている)。マンソンは15、ジョーンズは700人余の支持者を自殺に追いやっていて自らも自殺だが、自殺を唆した罪で22である。カルトのリーダーたちの犯罪のレヴェルを示している。国家的犯罪の場合はどうなのだろうと、気になった。オカルトの犯罪は惨い。それ以上に国家の犯罪は戦争など、もっと残酷だ。昨夜途中まで聞いていた動画がGovernments are the all time Leaders in Mass killing でそれを探して見付からない時にリストに残った動画の一つがこれだった。国家規模の犯罪、そのリーダーの犯罪の凄さですね。世界で最も人間を殺戮したトップは毛沢東で、2位がスターリン、そしてヒットラーと続いていた。日本の東條英機が6位か5位である。東條さんがなぜ筆頭に挙げられるのか、気になった。コメントにあったが、アメリカの大統領はどうなんだ?の声があった。
Rick Alan Ross is a private consultant, lecturer, and cult intervention specialist. He began his work as an anti-cult activist and community organizer in 1982.
Ross first became concerned about controversial groups and movements in response to a radical religious group that had covertly targeted his grandmother’s nursing home. Since that time he has raised awareness about cults and facilitated more than five hundred interventions to rescue people from cultic situations.Ross is one of the leading experts on cults in the world today.
He has consulted with the FBI, the BATF, and various other law enforcement agencies, as well as the governments of Israel and China, on the subject of cults. Ross has been qualified, accepted and testified as an expert court witness in eleven different states within the United States including US federal court. He has worked as an expert analyst for CBS News, CBC of Canada, and Nippon and Asahi in Japan.
Ross has lectured at more than 30 universities and colleges including the University of Chicago, Dickinson College, Carnegie Mellon, Baylor, Wuhan University of China, Assumption University of Thailand and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He has also been published within peer-reviewed academic journals on the topic of cults.
Regarding his cult intervention work Ross states that historically about 75 percent of the people that he conducts an intervention with decide to leave the group by the end of such an effort. He has done interventions across the United States and around the world. Ross did two successful interventions with the notorious Branch Davidians led by self-styled messiah David Koresh.
Ross has appeared in fourteen documentaries and has been interviewed and quoted in media all over the world.
For more information about this, and much more:
Most Evil is an American forensics television program on Investigation Discovery presented by forensic psychiatrist Michael Stone of Columbia University during seasons 1 and 2 and by forensic psychologist Dr. Kris Mohandie during Season 3.
On the show, the presenter rates murderers on a scale of evil that Stone himself has developed. The show features profiles on various murderers, serial killers, mass murderers and psychopaths.
Discovery Channel takes viewers deep into the minds of the world’s most notorious, merciless and deadliest criminals with Most Evil. In this chilling new series, Columbia University’s Dr. Michael Stone profiles his “scale of evil” in order to rank and measure the evilness of some of the world’s most renowned criminals, from psychotic cold-blooded killers to cult leaders. ディスカバリーチャンネルは最も悪名高い、無慈悲な犯罪者の心理に視聴者を案内します。???
What drives seemingly normal men and women to such horrific acts? And is it possible to prevent people committing psychopathic acts? Through the use of scientific analysis, Stone profiles some of the most evil minds of all time and ranks each killer on his scale.
Accompanied with rarely seen archive footage of courtrooms, exclusive interviews with convicted killers from behind prison bars and analysis from leading experts in psychology and neurology, each episode will probe the darkest corners of the human mind, providing clues as to what genetic, environmental and neurological factors may drive a person to kill and measures who is truly evil versus someone who commits evil acts.
類似する用語として、社会病質(しゃかいびょうしつ、英: sociopathy、ソシオパシー)、社会病質者(しゃかいびょうしつしゃ、英: sociopath、ソシオパス)がある。行動遺伝学者デヴィッド・リッケン (David T. Lykken) は反社会的人格をソシオパス的人格、サイコパス的人格、性格神経症の三つに大別し、ソシオパス的人格は、親の育て方などによる後天的なもの、サイコパス的人格は元来の性格、気質などの先天的なものとして位置付けている[3]。しかし一般には、ソシオパスとサイコパスはほぼ同義なものとして扱われることが多い[* 1]。研究では、原因は遺伝的要因と非遺伝的要因が挙げられている。
注意点として、たとえばアスペルガー症候群が自閉的精神病質(ただしこの時代の自閉autismは統合失調の無為自閉と関連)と呼ばれていたように、「精神病質(サイコパシー)」という言葉はかつては(主にヨーロッパにおいて)精神医学用語の1つとして、比較的広い意味で用いられていた。現在ではそうした用法は廃れているが、今日の用法と混同しないよう注意が必要である。またサイコパスは俗にサイコと略されることがあるが、この言葉には「精神病的(英: psychotic、サイコチック)」という意味も含まれることもあるので「サイコパス的(英: psychopathic、サイコパシック)」とは必ずしも同義ではない。