Call for papers on Japanese Studies, new journal "Cultura Oriental"
by Roberto de Andrade Martins
We welcome submission of papers on Japanese Studies to the new journal "Cultura Oriental". This journal publishes articles resulting from original research relating to various cultural aspects of Asian Far East (especially India, China, Japan and Tibet), including language, religion, literature, philosophy, arts and other subjects, and covering both the current culture and its historical aspects. Its scope does not include, however, subjects such as economy, trade and politics of the contemporary period.
Reclaiming Ground: Japan's Great Convergence
by Julia Adeney Thomas
While nineteenth century China may have diverged from Western Europe as Kenneth Pomeranz convincingly argues in _Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy_, Japan's development paralleled that of the West's and ultimately converged with it because of congruent approaches to nature, both materially and intellectually.
Occupation, Americanization, Westernization: Lessons from the German Case?
by Giovanni Bernardini
Although historical similarities between post-war West Germany and Japan cannot be overestimated, a parallel reflection on the long-lasting cultural influence of the Unites States on both defeated and occupied countries could open stimulating opportunities for research beyond national specificities. As a starting point, in fact, the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan shared a common condition of “penetrated systems” (according to a popular German definition) after the conclusion of the war; a state implying that “decisive allocations of values were steered from outside their boundaries”....