

おばさんの料理教室 ハヤシライス

2022年04月11日 | 日記




 牛肉(薄切り)150g・ 玉ねぎ1/2個・ マッシュルーム(水煮・薄切り)50g・ デルモンテ・完熟カットトマト(388g紙パック)1箱・ 小麦粉さじ1・ マンジョウ国産米こだわり仕込み料理の清酒大さじ2・ デルモンテ・オリーブオイル大さじ1・パセリ(みじん切り)適宜

(A) キッコーマンデリシャスソース中濃大さじ1と1/2・ デルモンテ・トマトケチャップ大さじ2・キッコーマンいつでも新鮮しぼりたて生しょうゆ少々 洋風スープの素(顆粒)小さじ1/2・ 砂糖





Hayashi Rice 

Hayashi rice is a dish of thinly sliced beef and onions simmered in domiglace sauce and tomato sauce on rice. It is classified as Western food that has changed in Japan based on overseas cuisine. It is also called Heissilai in the Kinki region.

In some regions, beef may be substituted with pork, mushrooms and other ingredients may be added. Like curry and rice, instant solid roux and sauces that can be eaten simply by warming and hanging it on rice are commercially available.

150g beef (thin slices) / 1/2 onion, mushrooms (boiled and thinly sliced) 50g, del monte, ripe cut tomatoes (388g paper pack) 1 box, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1  tablespoon of manjo domestic rice 2 tbsp  sake, del monte olive oil 1 tablespoon parsley (chopped) as appropriate

(A) 1/2 tbsp  chuno in kikkoman delicious sauce 2 tbsp Del monte tomato ketchup, kikkoman always freshly squeezed fresh soy sauce a little Western soup stock (granules) 1/2 teaspoon sugar

①Cut the beef into easy-to-eat pieces. Slice the onion into 5mm thick slices. Mushrooms get juicy.

②Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat, fry the onion (1), add the beef and stir-fry. Sprinkle with flour and fry until the flour is gone.

⓷Add the cut tomatoes and sake, cover, and simmer over low heat for about 7 minutes. Add mushrooms and (A) sequentially and boil over medium-low heat for 5-6 minutes.

➃Put your favorite amount of rice in the bowl, put (3), and if so, shake the parsley.

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