

おばさんの料理教室 筍の木の芽和え

2022年04月25日 | 日記





*山椒を擦り潰す時少し酢を入れると発色が奇麗、また山椒が少ない場合 ホウレン草や緑の野菜を入れて擦ると見栄えが良い

③ ②の中に①の筍100gを適当な大きさに切り混ぜる。

④ 皿に盛り付け、木の芽を天盛りして出来上がり


Buds of bamboo shoots


(1) Put a handful of bran and peeled bamboo shoots in a pot with plenty of water, remove the lid and boil it for about 20 to 30 minutes, when it becomes chilled room temperature, put it in clean cold water and complete the ac removal.

(2) Crush the leaves of Sansho pepper and mix the white miso large spoon 3, mirin small 1, light soy sauce 1/2, sugar 1.

* When rubbing sansho, if you add a little vinegar, the color development is beautiful, and if there is little Sansho, it looks good if you put spinach or green vegetables and rub it.

(3) In (2), cut 100 g of bamboo shoots of (1) into appropriate sizes.

(4) Serve on a plate and top with the buds of the tree.

* It is also good to match konjac, squid, udo, etc.

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