

おばさんの料理教室 簡単ローストポーク 

2022年07月16日 | 日記








Easy Roast Pork

Roast pork may be difficult to heat up, but this recipe makes it easy and delicious, surprisingly moist and soft, and you can also enjoy your favorite flavors such as rosemary and black pepper.


  • people ago

300 g of pork shoulder loin sprinkled evenly with 1/4 tablespoon of salt and pepper, grind 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan heated over medium heat, bake the entire surface, put in vinyl Put in boiling saucepan water, boil over medium heat for about 10minutes.

②In a frying pan 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1  piece of chopped garlic and 1/2 piece of onion chopped mix Vegetables Saffron and rice, 100g of tomatoes, Mix 1 tablespoon of white wine and 1 teaspoon of consommé granules, put on 70g of bare clams, cover and take about 3 minutes.

③➁ Paella was served on a plate and ① was cut into easy-to-eat sizes.

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おばさんの料理教室  「ソテー」と「ムニエル」・「ピカタ」の違い

2022年07月16日 | 日記



         ソテー              ムニエル           ピカタ

レストランに「なんとかのソテー」や「なんとかのムニエル」というメニューがありますが、両方ともフランス語ですが、 どう違うのでしょうか?


ソテー」・・西洋料理の1つで、 肉類や西洋野菜を油でいため焼きにした料理の総称

「ムニエル」・・魚のバター焼き. 下味をつけた魚に小麦粉をまぶし, フライ-パンで焼いたもの 。

つまり「ソテー」は肉料理や魚料理もあったが(マグロのソテーというメニューがあり)、「ムニエル」は 魚料理。

ソテーとはフランス語で、「肉や魚・野菜をバターや油などでいためる、西洋料理の調理法。また、その料理」を指します。平たいフライパンに少量の油やバターをひいて、材料を強火で短時間でいため焼きにするのがコツです。 素早く調理するために、へらを使ってかき混ぜたりフライパンを揺すったりすることもあります。また、食材は柔らかいもの、薄く切ったものを用意することが多いようです


The difference between "sautéed" and "meunier" and "picata"


                 Sautéed        Meunier         Picata

The restaurant has a menu called "Sautéed Something" and "Somehow Meunier", both of which are in French, but what is the difference?

Sauté means "to jump" in French, and it is derived from the fact that when fried in a frying pan, the oil jumps. The basics of Western cuisine are to fry or bake vegetables and meat in butter.

"Sautéed" is a general term for dishes in which  meat and Western vegetables are baked in oil.

"Meunier"---grilled fish in butter.  Seasoned fish sprinkled with flour, frying-pan-baked.

In other words, "sautéed" had meat dishes and fish dishes (there was a menu called sautéed tuna), but "meunier" was a fish dish.

Sautéing is the French word for "a Western cooking method in which meat, fish, and vegetables are served with butter or oil, and it is also a dish of it." The trick is to grind a little oil or butter in a flat frying pan and bake the ingredients over high heat for a short time. To cook quickly, you may also use a spatula to stir or shake the frying pan. Also, it seems that ingredients are often prepared soft and thinly sliced.

Picata is a dish in which meat seasoned with salt and pepper is sprinkled with flour, and beaten eggs mixed with grated cheese are mixed with plenty of baked and baked. In Italy, veal meat is sautéed in butter, but in Japan, in addition to pork, chicken, cod and salmon are often baked in eggs. Also, in the United States, chicken piccata using chicken meat is common. Picata is a dish that can be made with various ingredients.


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