ナポリタンは、茹でたスパゲッティをタマネギ、ピーマン、ハムなどと共にトマトケチャップで炒めた洋食。日本で創作された日本風パスタ料理であり、類似の名を持つイタリア料理のスパゲッティ・アッラ・ナポレターナとは異なる。 素麺・蕎麦・うどんでも美味しい。
① 玉ねぎは薄切りにし、ピーマンはヘタと種を取り除いて5mm幅の輪切りにします。ウインナーは斜め薄切り。
Neapolitan is a Western dish made by frying boiled spaghetti with onions , peppers , ham , etc. in tomato ketchup . It is a Japanese style pasta dish created in Japan, different from the spaghetti alla napolena of Italian cuisine with similar names.
It is also delicious with noodles, soba noodles, and udon noodles.
①Slice the onion into thin slices, and remove the hesitation and seeds and cut them into 5mm wide slices. Wiener is sliced diagonally.
②Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and spaghetti , boil, and give it to a colander .
③Put the salad oil in a frying pan and heat over medium heat and fry the onion and wiener. When the onion is tender, add the peppers and fry
④Add grated garlic, ketchup and salt and fry over medium heat until the taste is fully blended, add② and mix the whole and remove from the heat.