ヤブカンゾウの新芽はおひたし、花が咲いたら花の天ぷらに。 滅多に食べられない代物。 早春の新芽をさっと湯がいて食べるのが甘くて美味で、淡い緑が美しく、春の訪れを感じさせる優秀な山菜。

若芽は3~5月、背丈10cm位の根元の土を少し取り去り、白い茎の部分から切り取り採取する。 若芽はまろやかでぬめりと甘みがある。 葉と茎は利尿薬、花は7~8月に咲き、朝咲いて夕方しぼむ、熱さましの金針采。 ノカンゾウモ同じように食べられる。
やぶかんぞうの若芽 やぶかんぞうの花おひたし
Yabulican elephant flower tempura
The shoots of the licorice are put on the cheek, and when the flowers bloom, they are made into flower tempura. Something that is rarely eaten. Early spring shoots are sweet and delicious to eat with hot water, pale greenery is beautiful, and excellent wild vegetables that make you feel the arrival of spring.

①Batter the flowers of the licorice tree.
➁Melt the tempura flour with water, sprinkle on the flowers, squeeze by hand and remove the tempura flour to a minimum.
(The result is beautiful if you do not add extra Tenryura powder)
③Fry salad oil at 160~170°C.
⓸Serve on a plate and eat with salt or heavenly soup.
Tempura flour is a little expensive for commercial products, but it is easy to dissolve with water.
* Homemade tempura flour is used when flour and eggs are used with sake, ice cubes are added appropriately, and not stirred.
Soon, the yabu kanzo will start to sprout in the field, and at my house I will eat tempura and vinegar miso dressing.
It sprouts at the same time as the snow and can be seen in fields, furrow roads, and embankments.
Yabukanzo miso
In March ~ May, young shoots are collected by removing a little soil at the base of about 10 cm in height and cutting it from the white stem part. The young shoots are mellow, slimy and sweet. The leaves and stems are diuretic, the flowers bloom in July ~ August, bloom in the morning and wither in the evening, and are hot and golden. It can be eaten in the same way.