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F1 豪州GP決勝 アルファタウリ 技術責任者 コメント




Jody Egginton, Technical Director

“It was a very difficult race for us. Both drivers pushed hard to extract all they could from the package, but we couldn't manage to get the cars moving forward as required. The pace of the car was not there on all compounds, and we struggled for straight-line speed, as such, we weren't able to attack nor hold position in some phases of the race. We leave Melbourne with a lot of data to go through and a lot of work ahead of us in order to be best prepared for Baku.”

🔶    🔶

誤訳は ご容赦を。


Jody Egginton, Technical Director


“It was a very difficult race     for us.

とっても難しいレースでした 我々にとってはね。



Both drivers    pushed      hard

二人のドライバーはプッシュしました 激しくね

        to extract all they could from the package,




we couldn't manage to get the cars moving forward

僕たちは マシンを前に進めらなかったんです

                     as required.



   **Both drivers→所属の角田とデフリース



The pace of the car  was  not there       on all compounds,

マシンの速さは      ここでは無かったよ 全ての種類のタイヤでね



we struggled     for straight-line speed,

我々は苦悩しました 直線のスピードでね

as such,


we weren't able to attack  nor  hold position


              in some phases of the race.




We leave Melbourne


      with a lot of data to go through



        a lot of work ahead of us


           in order to be best prepared    for Baku.”

           最高の準備をするためにです バクーに向けて!



  ** Melbourne → メルボルン;豪州GPの開催都市

  **Baku    → バクー:次戦アゼルバイジャンGPの開催都市


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F1 オーストラリアGP ルクレール コメント

Charles Leclerc - FP1: 1:19.378, P5; FP2: 1:19.332, P2

"We explored quite a few set-up variations today, which was interesting as it felt like we were going in a right direction. That doesn’t mean that we have the same pace as our competitors, as they still seem to have the upper hand for now. There is still a lot of work to do before we can get back in a proper fight but we will put all our energy in making further steps forward."

🔶   🔶

誤訳は ご容赦を。


Charles Leclerc - FP1: 1:19.378, P5; FP2: 1:19.332, P2

シャルル・ルクレール 練習走行1 3位 ;連数走行2 2位



"We explored     quite a few set-up variations       today

僕達は試してみたよ かなりの数のセットアップのバリエーションをね 今日。

                            ,which was interesting


         as it felt like  we were going in a right direction.

      感じられたからね  僕たちが正しい方向に進んでるのをね。



That doesn’t mean  that  we have the same pace as our competitors,

それは、   僕たちがライバルと同じ速さがあるって事じゃないけどね

        as they still seem to have the upper hand  for now.

        ライバルは、まだ優勢みたいだからね   今の所は。




There is still a lot of work   to do

まだ沢山の仕事があるんだ やるべき(仕事がね)

     before we can get back in a proper fight




we will put all our energy  in making further steps forward."

全力を注ぐよ       更なる進化をするためにね!

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