The following one
be on the field ミ
F1 クビアート メキシコGPへ向けてコメント

トロロッソHONDA F1チームに所属するダニエル・クビアート選手の
“The thing that impressed me most about the Mexican GP the first year I went there was the circuit and the crowd. When you go through the stadium section on the drivers’ parade and you hear the roar of the crowd, it’s an incredible noise, everyone is cheering"
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誤訳は ご容赦を。
“The thing that impressed me most about the Mexican GP the first year I went there
僕がメキシコGPへ初めて行った年 最も感銘を受けた事は、
was the circuit and the crowd.
このサーキットと 観衆だったよ。
When you go through the stadium section on the drivers’ parade
you hear the roar of the crowd,
it’s an incredible noise, everyone is cheering"
信じられないくらいの音量だったよ みんなが 応援してくれてたんだ。

cool Japan
I went to Chiba shrine ,where is 15 miutes walk from Chiba station(JR-line).
This is a shrine dedicated to the Chiba clan that ruled this area in the Middle Ages.
The shrine buildings themselves are painted a brilliant orange, which is not unusual among Shinto shrines.

F1 カルロス・サインツ コラム

Suzuka is one of Formula 1’s historic tracks – and one of my personal favourites. The Japanese fans are among the most passionate in the world and deliver a sensational atmosphere. Thanks to everyone who gave me amazing gifts over the weekend.
With Saturday’s running cancelled, Friday night was more relaxed than usual. Normally you go to bed very early and try to focus on qualifying. But as we didn’t have to go in on Saturday, we went bowling that night. As you can see from the video, in our costumes, Pin Norris and Mario Sainz had some good fun!
I love how good the food is in Japan. I went for Sushi on Wednesday with our engineers. Thanks to Hiroshi, our chief engineer, we went to this very special and authentic restaurant where we ate the best sushi I have ever eaten.
There were some interesting pieces, like guts of fish. It was not as bad as I thought, but it had a very strong flavour of sea salt. It was a very weird taste, which was nice, but a bit overpowering!
On Sunday night we went to Matoba, one of my favourite restaurants ever, with Lando and his team and my team. We go to visit this place every year. They do an incredible Japanese and Korean beef with a special sauce on the grill. We always have fun trying to speak Japanese with them. It’s such a fun experience and they are super friendly. Food in Japan is the best of the season!
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Suzuka is one of Formula 1’s historic tracks
鈴鹿は F1での歴史のあるコースの一つなんだ
– and
one of my personal favourites.
** historic tracks ;鈴鹿サーキットでのF1初開催は1987年
The Japanese fans are among the most passionate in the world
日本のファンは 世界中で最も情熱的だし
deliver a sensational atmosphere.
Thanks to everyone
who gave me amazing gifts over the weekend.
ありがとう 週末を通して素晴らしいサポートを僕に与えてくれた みんな!
With Saturday’s running cancelled,
土曜の走行は キャンセルされたので
Friday night was more relaxed than usual.
金曜の夜は リラックスしたよ 普段の(金曜)よりもね
**Saturday’s running cancelled;台風の接近により土曜の予選は日曜へ順延
you go to bed very early
ベットへ とても早く行って
try to focus on qualifying.
**qualifying :予選は通常土曜に開催
as we didn’t have to go in on Saturday,
we went bowling that night.
僕達はボーリングに行ったんだ 金曜の夜にね。
As you can see from the video,
in our costumes,
Pin Norris and Mario Sainz had some good fun!
(ボーリングの)ピンに雰したランド と マリオに雰した僕は 楽しい時間を過ごせたよ!
**Norris; ランド・ノリス サインツのチームメイト
I love how good the food is in Japan.
僕は 日本の食べ物の素晴らしい所が好きなんだ。
I went for Sushi on Wednesday with our engineers.
寿司(を食べに)行ったんだ 水曜日に 僕達のエンジニアとね。
Thanks to Hiroshi, our chief engineer,
ヒロシのおかげで (彼は僕達のチーフエンジニアなんだけどね)
we went to this very special and authentic restaurant
僕達は 特別で老舗の お店に行ったたんだ
where we ate the best sushi I have ever eaten.
そして そこで僕が今までに食べた事がある中で最高の店で、僕達は食べたんだよ。
There were some interesting pieces , like guts of fish.
そこには いくつか興味深い種類の寿司があったんだ 魚の内臓のようなね。
It was not as bad as I thought,
それは 悪くなかったよ 僕が思ってたほどにはね
it had a very strong flavour of sea salt.
それは とてもショッパイ塩の風味だったよ。
It was a very weird taste, which was nice, but a bit overpowering!
とても奇妙な味だったけど、ナイスだったよ 、でも ちょっと強烈だったかも!
On Sunday night
we went to Matoba ,one of my favourite restaurants ever,
僕達は まと場に行ったんだ (僕に今までのお気に入りのレストランの一つなんだけどね)
with Lando and his team and my team.
We go to visit this place every year.
僕達は 毎年 この店を訪れているんだ。
They do an incredible Japanese and Korean beef
この店は 信じられないほどの日本と韓国の牛肉を食べさせてくれるんだ
with a special sauce on the grill.
We always have fun trying to speak Japanese with them.
いつも楽しいんだ 彼らと日本語を話そうとトライする事がね。
It’s such a fun experience
they are super friendly.
彼らは 超フレンドリーだしね!
Food in Japan is the best of the season!
日本の食べ物は シーズンのなかで最高なんだ!

F1 日本GP決勝 レッドブル代表 コメント

日本GPを4位とリタイヤで終えたレッドブル代表の レース後のコメントです。
Christian Horner, Team Principal
“After a great start Max was unfortunately involved in contact at Turn 2 with Leclerc which resulted in him retiring from the race. It looked like Max gave Charles plenty of room but we will let the stewards deal with that. Alex had a less than perfect getaway, dropping behind the McLarens but he fought back well, making the two stop strategy work. He passed Norris in a firm but fair move on lap four and closed quickly on Sainz. The remainder of the race was quite lonely but Alex drove faultlessly to bring the car home in P4, his best Formula One result to date. Leaving Suzuka with a fourth place and a DNF is slightly disappointing at Honda’s home race after such a fantastic turnout from a very enthusiastic crowd. Our congratulations go to Mercedes on winning their sixth Constructors’ Championship here today.”
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誤訳は ご容赦を。
Christian Horner, Team Principal
クリスチャン ホーナー (レッドブル)チーム代表
“After a great start
Max was unfortunately involved in contact at Turn 2 with Leclerc
マックスは残念な事に アクシデントに巻き込まれてしまいました 2コーナーでルクレールとね
which resulted in him retiring from the race.
**Max :エースドライバーのマックス・フェルスタッペン
** Leclerc:フェラーリ所属のシャルル・ルクレール
It looked like Max gave Charles plenty of room
この様にみえました マックスはシャルルに十分なK空間を与えているようにね
we will let the stewards deal with that.
我々は 競技長の裁定にゆだねるつもりです。
**the stewards deal with that ;レース後、ルクレールに5秒加算のペナルティが
Alex had a less than perfect getaway , dropping behind the McLarens
he fough back well , making the two stop strategy work.
彼は良く戦いました。 2ストップの戦略を遂行しながらね。
He passed Norris in a firm but fair move on lap four
彼はノリスを手堅く、フェアな動きで追い抜きました 4周目の事です
closed quickly on Sainz.
**Norris ; ランド・ノリス マクラーレン所属
**Sainz ; カルロス・サインツ マクラーレン所属
The remainder of the race was quite lonely
その後のレースは かなり孤独(単独走行)な物でした
Alex drove faultlessly to bring the car home in P4
,his best Formula One result to date.
Leaving Suzuka with a fourth place and a DNF is slightly disappointing
4位とDNFで鈴鹿を去る事は すくし残念ですね
at Honda’s home race after such a fantastic turnout from a very nthusiastic crowd.
ホンダの母国のレースでの このような熱狂的な観衆の賑わいの後ではね。
**DNF ;Do Not Finish →リタイヤ
Our congratulations go to Mercedes
on winning their sixth Constructors’ Championship here today.”
今日 ここで6度目のコンストラクターチャンピオンを勝ち取った事にです。
**Constructors’ Championship ;F1製造メーカー別のタイトル

F1 日本GP初日 山本尚貴 コメント

Naoki Yamamoto FP1; P17
“The power is amazing,” Yamamoto gushed after the session. “I’m very, very surprised. I never feel power [like this] so this is the biggest different point between Super Formula and Super GT.
“I wanted to [have a better] result,” he added, after finishing the session in P17, one place behind Kvyat. “I’m a racing driver and this portion wasn’t satisfying to me, but most important thing is no crash, and I gave great information for the team, and I wish a good result this weekend to the team, and especially Pierre – Pierre gave me his car, so I’m grateful.”
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誤訳は ご容赦を。
Naoki Yamamoto FP1; P17
山本 尚貴 練習走行1;17位/20台
“The power is amazing,”
パワーが 凄かったです
Yamamoto gushed after the session.
と、山本は湧き出すように語った 1回目のセッションの後のことだ。
“I’m very, very surprised.
とても とても 驚きました。
I never feel power [like this]
僕は (この様な)パワーを感じた事は無かったんです
this is the biggest different point between Super Formula and Super GT.
これが 大きな異なる点ですね スーパーフォーミュラやスーパーGTとでは。
**Super GT;市販車をベースにしたマシンでの国内最高峰 シリーズ
“I wanted to [have a better] result,”
he added
, after finishing the session in P17, one place behind Kvyat.
“I’m a racing driver
僕は レーシングドライバーなんです
this portion wasn’t satisfying to me,
その割り当てでは 満足できないですよ 自分としてはね
most important thing is no crash,
最も重要なことは クラッシュしなかった事です
I gave great information for the team,
多大なデータを チームへ持たらせたしね
I wish a good result this weekend to the team,
願ってます 今週末良い結果になる事をです チームや
especially Pierre
– Pierre gave me his car,
so I’m grateful.”
だから (ピエールに)感謝してますよ。
**Pierre ;ピーエール・ガスリー トロロッソF1チームの正ドライバー
【 ブログ筆者 感想 】
今回 F1初ドライブの山本選手
練習無しの いきなりの公式セッションで
ノークラッシュ、チームメートの0.1秒遅れ 周回数も稼いだし
90年代の中野信治 以来かな??
そういう面でも 立派な結果かと思います。

F1 ガスリー 初F1の山本について言及

トロロッソHONDA F1チームは日本GP初日の走行を正ドラーバーのガスリーに変え
“He actually apologised to me for being in my car,” said Gasly, who will return to the car for the second free practice session onwards at Suzuka. “But I told him there is no big deal about it. It was already planned since the beginning of the year.
“I said to him to enjoy and make sure you enjoy every single lap. He’s a really good guy, really fast, really talented. He knows Suzuka more than anyone else I think on the planet.
“It’s a dream to drive these kind of cars,” Gasly added. “ I gave him a few tips because for sure, compared to Super Formula, the tyres are different, the car’s behaviour is different.
“He’s been in the sim, and there were a couple of things he found really different to the Super Formula. He’s really fast. I think he won more than half his races in Suzuka. He’s really fast here.”
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“He actually apologised to me for being in my car,”
山本は本当に誤ってきたんだ 僕にね 僕のマシンで出走する事に関してだよ
said Gasly
, who will return to the car
for the second free practice session onwards at Suzuka.
(ガスリーは鈴鹿のフリー走行2回目以降 そのマシンに戻るの事になるのだが)
**Suzuka ;鈴鹿 今週末開催されるF1日本GPの開催地
I told him there is no big deal about it.
僕は彼(山本)に言ったんだ (代わりに走るのは)大したことではない ってね。
It was already planned since the beginning of the year.
それは 計画されていた事だからね 今年の最初の方から。
“I said to him to enjoy
彼に話したんだ 楽しんで
make sure you enjoy every single lap.
全ての周回を楽しむことを心に留めるように! ってね。
He’s a really good guy,
山本は 本当に いい奴で
really fast,
really talented.
He knows Suzuka more than anyone else I think on the planet.
彼は 鈴鹿をよく知ってるんだよ この惑星で僕が思い浮かべる他の誰よりもね。
“It’s a dream to drive these kind of cars,”
夢だよね このようなマシン(F1)をドライブするって事はね
Gasly added.
I gave him a few tips
because for sure , compared to Super Formula, the tyres are different,
だって 確実に (スーパーフォーミュラと比較すると) タイヤが 異なって
the car’s behaviour is different.
マシンの挙動が 違うからね。
**Super Formula;国内最高峰のレースカテゴリー。 山本は去年のチャンプ
“He’s been in the sim,
there were a couple of things he found really different to the Super Formula.
幾つか あったんだ 彼が本当にスーパーフォーミュラと異なる所を発見した箇所がね
He’s really fast.
彼は 本当に速いよ
I think he won more than half his races in Suzuka.
僕は思うんだ 彼は鈴鹿でのレースの半分以上を勝ってた ってね。
He’s really fast here.”
彼は 本当に速いよ ここ(鈴鹿)ではね
【 ブログ筆者 感想 】
ガスリーは コメント中 ”山本は本当にいい奴だよ” って言ってたけど
ガスリー 貴様も いい奴だな・・・
でも このF1の世界 いい奴では 生き残れないぞ!

焼き芋 ららら
I was able to harvest sweet potatoes ,and I baked it and ate with coffee.
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夏野菜の枯れ枝や廃材で 焼き芋&コーヒー。
程よく焼けたけど どうも あんまり甘くない品種でした・

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