The following one
be on the field ミ
F1 バンドーン 2017年を振り返る
Vandoorne, having made a one-off appearance in Bahrain last year, in which he scored a point, stepped up to a full-time race seat in place of Jenson Button in 2017.
However, Vandoorne struggled early on amid McLaren-Honda's reliability and performance problems, and frequently lagged behind team-mate Fernando Alonso.
Vandoorne, though, eventually broke into the points in Hungary and followed it up with back-to-back seventh places in Singapore and Malaysia, to finish the year four points behind Alonso.
"It's been a season with ups and downs," said Vandoorne, who finished 16th in the championship.
"It's probably not a season we would have liked to have, but there's plenty of positives to take from this season as well.
"The way we've developed the car, the way it is going for next year as well, everything is going in the right direction.
"All the effort we put in in the final races was the same [as] at the start of the year."
↓ ↓ ↓
, having made a one-off appearance in Bahrain last year
(彼は去年のバーレンで 一回だけ出場して)
, in which he scored a point,
(そこで ポイントを獲得したのだが)
stepped up to a full-time race seat in place of Jenson Button in 2017.
正ドライバーにステップアップした 2017年にジェンソン バトンに替わってだ。
Vandoorne struggled early on amid McLaren-Honda's reliability and performance problems,
バンドーンは すぐに苦悩した マクラーレンーホンダの信頼性と性能の問題の状況のなかで。
frequently lagged behind team-mate Fernando Alonso.
頻繁に チームメートのフェルナンド アロンソの後塵を拝した。
Vandoorne , though,
バンドーンは (しかしながら)
eventually broke into the points in Hungary
結局 ポイントへの壁を打ち破った ハンガリーでのことだ
followed it up with back-to-back seventh places in Singapore and Malaysia,
シンガポールとマレーシアにおいて 連続7位(入賞)し それに続き,
to finish the year four points behind Alonso.
"It's been a season with ups and downs,"
ズット アップダウンの有るシーズンだったよ
said Vandoorne
, who finished 16th in the championship.
"It's probably not a season we would have liked to have,
たぶん 僕たちが 望んだシーズンでは 無かったよ
there's plenty of positives to take from this season as well.
同様に 今シーズンから得られる 沢山のポジティブなことが あったよ
"The way we've developed the car,
僕たちが マシンを開発してきた やり方、
the way it is going for next year as well,
同様に、来年のために歩んでゆく やり方、
everything is going in the right direction.
全てが 進んでいるんだよ 正しい方向にね。
"All the effort we put in in the final races
僕たちが最終戦でやった 全ての努力は
was the same [as] at the start of the year."
今年のスタートで やったものと同じだったんだよ。
【A word of the author of this web-log】
It is a pleasure to visit this web-log to many people in this year(2017).
I am looking forward to reading this web-log next year!

F1 ハッキネン 現代のF1を語る。
2度のF1タイトルを手にした ミカ ハッキネンの 現在のF1に対しての
"When I won both my World Championships in 1998 and 1999 I went into 2000 absolutely determined to win a third title, but it was not to be.
"After that year, when I felt my energy levels drop a little, it was not long before I retired.
"I was really delighted to see Valtteri win two Grands Prix. He is a strong, balanced guy, and the wins in Russia and Austria showed he is fully capable.
"He had some tough times in the middle part of the season, but I know how hard he has worked to get to where he is, and you can be sure he will use the off-season to build on everything he has learned.
"As I have said before, Max Verstappen was the standout driver of the season because he is so exciting to watch.
"The two wins in Malaysia and Mexico showed that both he and the team have been getting stronger, and with Daniel Ricciardo winning in Baku, it means Ferrari and Mercedes could never relax.
"Behind the top three teams, there was a lot of interest, particularly with the new generation of drivers coming through.
"Stoffel Vandoorne, Esteban Ocon and Carlos Sainz Jr. are exciting to watch.
"When you consider that their team-mates Fernando Alonso, Sergio Pérez and Nico Hülkenberg are very quick, the driving talent in Formula 1 today is probably among the best it has ever been."
↓ ↓ ↓
誤訳は ご容赦を。
"When I won both my World Championships in 1998 and 1999
僕が 1998年と1999年に (F1の)世界タイトルを勝ち取った時
I went into 2000 absolutely determined to win a third title,
凄い決心をもって2000年に向かったんだ 3度目のタイトルを勝ち取るためにね。
it was not to be.
そうは ならなかたんだ。
"After that year,
when I felt my energy levels drop a little,
僕の 熱意のレベルが 少し落ちたのを感じた時、
it was not long before I retire.
引退するまでには 長くなかったよ。
"I was really delighted to see Valtteri win two Grands Prix.
本当に嬉しかったよ バルテッリが2つのグランプリで勝つのを見たことがね。
He is a strong, balanced guy,
彼は 強く 調和をもった奴で
the wins in Russia and Austria showed he is fully capable.
ロシアとオーストリアでの勝利は 示したんだ 彼は 有能だってことをね。
"He had some tough times in the middle part of the season,
彼は 幾分厳しい時間を過ごしていたね シーズン中盤にね
I know how hard he has worked to get to where he is,
僕は知ってるんだ どれだけ 彼が勝利に至る為に 一生懸命働いたかをね
you can be sure
he will use the off-season to build on everything he has learned.
彼が 自分の学んだ事 全てを具現化するためにオフシーズンを使うだろうってことをね
"As I have said before,
Max Verstappen was the standout driver of the season
マックス フェルスタッペンは 今シーズンの際立ったドライバーだったよ
because he is so exciting to watch.
観るのが とってもエキサイティングだったからね。
"The two wins in Malaysia and Mexico showed
マレーシアとメキシコでの2つの勝利は 示しているよ
that both he and the team have been getting stronger,
彼とチーム両方が より強くなっていったことをね。
with Daniel Ricciardo winning in Baku,
ダニエル リカルドの バクーでの勝利で
it means Ferrari and Mercedes could never relax.
フェラーリとメルセデスは 決してリラックスできないことになったんだ。
"Behind the top three teams,
there was a lot of interest,
沢山の 興味深い事が あったね
with the new generation of drivers coming through.
新たな世代のドライバーが 来ている状態ではね。
"Stoffel Vandoorne, Esteban Ocon and Carlos Sainz Jr.
ストフェル バンドーン、エステバン オコン そしてカルロス サインツJrは
are exciting to watch.
"When you consider
that their team-mates Fernando Alonso,Sergio Pérez and Nico Hülkenberg
are very quick,
彼らのチームメート つまりフェルナンドアロンソ、セルジオペレスそしてニコヒュルケンベルグが
the driving talent in Formula 1 today is probably among the best it has ever been."
今日のF1でのドライビングのタレントは たぶん これまでの中での最高だよ

F1 トロロッソ HONDAとの提携を言及
"We are very happy with the Toro Rosso and Honda cooperation," Marko explained to the official Formula 1 website.
"Toro Rosso will put all its efforts into making a competitive chassis.
"We do believe in Honda – otherwise we wouldn't have made that deal. I am very impressed with the facilities that they have – and their determination to win.
"It is just a matter of bringing everything together and we believe that this moment will arrive sooner than everybody is expecting.
↓ ↓ ↓
"We are very happy with the Toro Rosso and Honda cooperation,"
我々は トロロッソとホンダの協力関係に とても幸せです
Marko explained to the official Formula 1 website.
と マルコは 公式F1サイトに 説明した。
"Toro Rosso will put all its efforts into making a competitive chassis.
トロロッソは 全ての努力を注ぎ込むことになります 競争力のあるシャーシーの製造へです。
"We do believe in Honda
我々は 本当にホンダを信じています。
– otherwise
we wouldn't have made that deal.
我々は そのような契約をしなかったでしょう。
I am very impressed
我々は とても感銘を受けました
with the facilities that they have
– and
their determination to win.
彼らの勝つための決断に です。
"It is just a matter of bringing everything together
全てを一緒にやることが まさに重要なのです
we believe
that this moment will arrive sooner than everybody is expecting.

パーゴラ MkⅡ 作るよ ! vol . 10.1
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
【 I'm going to build a tiny house! vol 10.1 】
These are another pictures of previous works,
Next time I will make a door in the the tiny house!
この間の小屋製作の時の 別角度の写真です。
次は ドア作ろっと。。

F1 エリクソン 2017年を語る。
ザウバーF1に所属する マーカス エリクソンの今期を振り返ってのコメントです。
"I still feel like I've developed as a driver and become better and better," explained Ericsson.
"[My] first year [in Formula 1] with Kamui [Kobayashi] was really tough, Kamui had a lot of experience and was a very good driver.
"I think Pascal has been a super-talented driver and really good for me to have him as a team-mate.
"The hype around him as a Mercedes junior has been perfect for me to have him as a benchmark.
"If you look at the statistics this year, if you take the average between team-mates, I think we're the closest [pairing] on the grid if you look at the qualifying sessions and the races.
"The only problem is we've been most of the time at the back and not fighting for points, that's why I stand on zero points and him five points and it looks like a big difference.
"But, actually, if you look more closely on numbers, it's been really, really close between us."
↓ ↓ ↓
"I still feel like I've developed as a driver
まだ ドライバーとして成長していて
become better and better,"
だんだん良くなってるって 感じてるんだ
explained Ericsson.
と エリクソンは説明した。
"[My] first year [in Formula 1] with Kamui [Kobayashi] was really tough,
((小林)可夢偉と共にした 僕の)(F1での)初年度は 本当にきつかったよ、
Kamui had a lot of experience
可夢偉は 沢山の経験があって
was a very good driver.
とっても いいドライバーだったんだ。
**Kamui ;小林可夢偉
2014年 ケータハムで可夢偉とエリクソンは
"I think
Pascal has been a super-talented driver
パスカルは 超才能があるドラーバーなんだ
really good for me to have him as a team-mate.
僕にとっては本当に良かった(と思うよ) チームメートとして彼と居る事はね。
"The hype around him as a Mercedes junior
メルセデスの育成ドライバーである彼に まつわる誇大宣伝は
has been perfect for me to have him as a benchmark.
僕にとって完璧な状況だったよ ベンチマークとしての彼と居られるからね
"If you look at the statistics this year,
もし 今年の統計を見て
if you take the average between team-mates,
I think
僕は こう思うんだ
we're the closest [pairing] on the grid
if you look at the qualifying sessions and the races.
僕たちが最もグリッド上で接近したペアだった (って思うんだ)
"The only problem
is we've been most of the time at the back
僕たちは ほとんどの時間 後方に居て
not fighting for points,
that's why I stand on zero points and him five points
それが 僕が0点で 彼が5点だった理由で
it looks like a big difference.
それが 大きな違いに見えているんだよ。
if you look more closely on numbers,
もし データを より詳しく見れば
it's been really, really close between us."
本当に 本当に接近してたんだ 僕たちの間はね。

仮想通貨バブル いつまで?

ビット コインすごい勢いで値上がりしてますね!
ちょっと前に1通貨 100万突破って話題になってると 思ったら
6月頃 知人に
「ビット コインは 今買い??」
って聞かれたこと あるんだけど
ビットコインは 年初から すでに3倍に なってるので
俺なら 今は買わない! 一度大きく下がってから参戦しては?
6月から一度も大きく下がることなく さらに3倍に なっちゃったよ・・・
話題は変わって 株の話
増資ンエ下がりしたタイミングで 東芝 買った!って書いたけれど
当初の目論見通り 短期で
単価294円 → 324円 と10%増になったので
既に世界的株高になってるので 利益の深追いはせず 小さな勝利でまとめました。
三菱ufj も昔から保有していたのだけれど
メガバンクは どこも大量のリストラ計画発表したので
株高の 今の内に 利益確定しました
単価 550円 → 809円で 約30%増です。
売却益は 金や銀のETFに振り分けようと思います。
ってことで ミニ バブル崩壊への順位日はOKです!
ミニバブル崩壊 予想 アタルカナ?・・・

F1 サインツJr 2017年を語る

"Definitely this year I've been more aggressive," Sainz Jr. explained.
"I needed to be more aggressive to get points, especially as we were not qualifying in the top 10 in Toro Rosso this year, so you had to be a lot more aggressive on Sundays.
"That might have meant I got a couple more retirements than maybe I have wanted, maybe a couple more retirements than in the previous seasons, but I think it's paid off.
"If you look now at the championship standings, and my points, with the opportunities I've had, I think it's been a very positive year."
↓ ↓ ↓
this year I've been more aggressive,"
今年は ずっと よりアグレッシブにしてたんだ
Sainz Jr. explained.
と サインツJrは説明した。
"I needed to be more aggressive to get points,
よりアグレッシブに なる必要があったんだよ ポイントを獲得するためにね。
as we were not qualifying in the top 10 in Toro Rosso this year,
今年のトロロッソにおいて 予選でtop10内に入らなかった時にはね、
you had to be a lot more aggressive on Sundays.
より大きくアグレッシブになる必要があったんだ 日曜にはね。
**on Sundays:日曜の決勝レースを指す。
"That might have meant
I got a couple more retirements than maybe I have wanted,
たぶん自分が抑えたかった数よりも もう少し多くリタイヤしたことをね、
a couple more retirements than in the previous seasons,
もう少し多くリタイヤしたよ 前年のシーズンよりもね
I think it's paid off.
僕は思うんだ それは報われたってね。
"If you look now at the championship standings,and my points,
with the opportunities I've had,
もし今 選手権のランキングと 僕のポイントを顧みれば
I think it's been a very positive year."
僕は思うんだ とってもポジティブな年だった ってね。

パーゴラ MkⅡ 作るよ ! vol .10
【 I'm going to build a tiny house! vol 10 】
Today,I will place a plastic board on the wall of the tiny house .
今日は 壁に透明なプラシチックの板を張る!の巻 です。
↓ ↓ ↓
After attaching the frame to the pillar, I slided the plastic board and set it in frame.
In the summer, the plastic board can be removed.
It took longer than I expected.
小屋の柱に窓枠のようなフレームを取り付け そこにプラシチック板を上から
夏になったら 風通し 翌スルために取り外すことも可能です!
いやいや 意外と時間掛かった・・・
↓ ↓ ↓
It is already sunset・・・
I got a little progress.
あっと 言う間に日暮れ・・
ちょっと だけ 進んだ。。
Today's work is over.
See also next time!

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