

homemade vegetable                                                 harvest in last week



夏野菜 大量に採れ始めて   消化するの大変に なってきた・・・

冷蔵庫に もう入らないし。。

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Hit &  RUn !!

このあいだ   高校野球の 県予選見てきました。

ZOZO-Marin Studium                                            Chiba prefecture  JAPAN


普段 野球とか ほとんど見ないから 球場での観戦 興味津々でした。

観戦料 600円とか 安くてビックリ!

ちょっとプロ野球も 見たくなってきたぞ!!


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Middle(Jr) Formulaをプロデゥース 62

去年まで 日本のFIA-F4で 戦っていた 

根本悠生 選手

今年 VSR-Lamborginiで 世界を舞台に戦っています。

今回は F1も開催される ベルギーのスパ―フランコルシャンからの



英文は本人の Facebookより。



Great practice sessions yesterday!! First time racing here and I learned a lot about this one of the most beautiful track in the world.
Of course I need to improve but we know how to we can be P1 today's qualify!!



↓        ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。

本にの 日本語コメントと 表現が異なる部分があるかも しれません



Great practice sessions yesterday!!

昨日の 練習走行は 素晴らしかったです!!

First time racing here

ここで レースを するのは 初めてなんです



 I learned a lot

僕は 沢山の 事を学びました

       about this one of the most beautiful track in the world.

       この 世界で 最も美しいコースの一つについて です。


Of course


 I need to improve

改善も 必要です



we know how to we can be P1 today's qualify!!

僕たちは 今日の予選で1番になる 術を解ってるんです!




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松下信治   F1 テストデビュー

F1の 一つ下の レースカテゴリー F2を戦っている 松下信治選手の

F1 テスト デビューに関する気Jです。



24 July 2017 – Honda-backed youngster Nobuharu Matsushita will make his Formula 1 bow with Sauber during next week's post-race test at the Hungaroring.

Matsushita, 23, has raced in GP2/F2 since 2015 and currently holds seventh place in the standings, having claimed a win in Spain.

Matsushita will pilot the C36-Ferrari during next Wednesday's second day of running, taking over from fellow F2 racer Gustav Malja, whose test was confirmed earlier in 2017.

"When I was four years old, I was fascinated by Michael Schumacher, watching him racing in Formula 1," said Matsushita.

"Since then my dream was to become a Formula 1 driver.

"I am very excited about my first Formula 1 test and I am really looking forward to driving the Sauber C36-Ferrari at the Hungaroring – it is a great opportunity for me.

"I hope it will be a productive day for the team as well as for myself, so that I can learn as much as possible.
"I would like to thank Sauber for making this happen."

New Team Principal Frédéric Vasseur, whose ART GP2/F2 squad has run Matsushita since 2015, said: "I am pleased that Nobuharu has this great opportunity.

"He deserves the experience of his first test in a Formula 1 car.

"Ever since his debut in Formula 2 with ART Grand Prix, I have been following his progress closely, and have watched him advance his performance from year to year.

"With this Formula 1 test, he comes one step closer to his dream of becoming an F1 driver one day."

Sauber, which currently uses year-old Ferrari power units, will be supplied by Honda next season.


↓         ↓     ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。



24 July 2017

2017年 7月24日

Honda-backed youngster Nobuharu Matsushita

ホンダが支援する 若手スターの 松下信治は

             will make his Formula 1 bow with Sauber

                                         ザウバーとともに 自身の F1への門出をすることになる

                 during next week's post-race test at the Hungaroring.

                   来週の ハンガロリンクの  レース後のテストの機関の間にだ。




Matsushita, 23,

松下は (23歳だが)

        has raced in GP2/F2 since 2015

        2015年から GP2とF2でレースをしていて



        currently holds seventh place in the standings

       最近は (選手権)ランキングで7位を 保っている

                , having claimed a win in Spain.

                (彼は)スペインで 優勝しているのだが。





Matsushita will pilot the C36-Ferrari   


                   during next Wednesday's second day of running

                  次の テスト2日目の走行の 間にだ

                  , taking over from fellow F2 racer Gustav Malja

                  同僚のF2レーサーGustav Maljaから引き継ぐ形で

                     , whose test was confirmed earlier in 2017.

                     (彼のテストは 2017年早々に 発表されたのだが)




"When I was four years old,


I was fascinated by Michael Schumacher 

ミハエル シューマッハに魅了されました            

                                                          , watching him racing in Formula 1,"  

                     F1で 彼がレースしているのを 見ていてね。

                                   said Matsushita.  

                                 と 松下は語った。




"Since then


my dream was to become a Formula 1 driver.

僕の夢は     F1ドライバーになることだったんです。


"I am very excited about my first Formula 1 test

僕の 初めての F1のテストに とても興奮しています



I am really looking forward to driving the Sauber C36-Ferrari at the Hungaroring

ハンガロリンクで ザウバーC36-FERRARIをドライブすることを本当に楽しみにしています

 – it is a great opportunity for me.

 僕にとって 素晴らしい機会ですからね。





"I hope

僕は 願ってます

    it will be a productive day for the team as well as for myself,

    テストが 僕自身と同様に チームにとっても 生産的な一日になり

    so that


    I can learn as much as possible.

    できる限り たくさんの事を 学べるように   (願ってます)。


"I would like to thank Sauber for making this happen."

この機会を作ってくれた ザウバーに 感謝したいです。




New Team Principal Frédéric Vasseur

新チーム代表の フレデリック バッサーは

, whose ART GP2/F2 squad has run Matsushita since 2015,

(彼の GP2/F2のチームのARTは 2015年から松下を走らせてきたのだが) 



                     "I am pleased that Nobuharu has this great opportunity.

                     松下が この素晴らしい機会を得たことを うれしく思います。





"He deserves the experience of his first test in a Formula 1 car.

彼は 初めてのF1マシンをテストするのに 値する人物です。


"Ever since his debut in Formula 2 with ART Grand Prix,

ARTグランプリ で F2に デビューしてから

 I have been following his progress closely,

私は 彼の成長を ずっと追ってきて



 have watched him advance his performance from year to year.

 年々 彼のパフォーマンスが 進化しているのを 見てきました。




"With this Formula 1 test,

今回の F1テストで

he comes one step closer to his dream

彼の夢に ずっと 近づいたんじゃないかな 

                    of becoming an F1 driver one day."

                    いつの日か F1ドライバーに なるという夢のね。





, which currently uses year-old Ferrari power units,

(今年は 1年落ちの フェラーリのパワーユニットを使用しているのだが)

    will be supplied by Honda next season.

   来シーズン ホンダから (パワーユニットの)供給を受けることになる。

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homemade vegetable                                                 harvest in last week


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F1 ピエール ガスリー   コラムから  Part3

この前の 続き

Also, with Honda, it's a bit difficult to fight against Toyota, though we're trying to focus on ourselves, and it's getting better. In the last two races I was the first Honda driver, finishing seventh and then top five in Fuji. Of course, it's not as high as I'd like, but it takes time to get back to the top. In pre-season testing we were really good in cold conditions and we seem to struggle in warmer conditions, but we're working, finding little tunings each weekend.

That's the negatives – the positives are it's a great series.


You have experienced drivers, even though we don't really talk about it in Europe, there are drivers who have spent 10 years in Super Formula, and they know exactly how to race with the car, all the tracks in Japan, the feeling etcetera, so for me it's good there as you really need to push hard and be at the front, and the level is good.

It's also a really good series in terms of tyres; the tyres have a really small window, if you want to extract everything from the tyres, so you have to do the out-lap properly, the warm-up lap properly, to get everything ready for qualifying. It's quite tough with this car, but it's pretty good as it teaches you to be accurate with all the procedures inside the car.

In the races you can push flat out all the time and you have really low degradation. Of course, as a driver I prefer to do that rather than some tyre management, but it's quite intense, as for one hour and 20 minutes you have to take 100 per cent out of the car at each corner, so I think it's good preparation as well, and it's great to be able to drive quick cars! Overall it's good preparation for the future.


↓      ↓        ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。

スマホ版は 改行がうまくいってないのでPCで見てね。



Also, with Honda,


 it's a bit difficult to fight against Toyota,

トヨタを 相手にして 戦うのは ちょっと難しいんだ。

 though we're trying to focus on ourselves,

    僕らは 自分自身に焦点を当てて



     it's getting better.






In the last two races


I was the first Honda driver

僕は HONDAのドライバーで 最速だったんだ

        , finishing seventh and then top five in Fuji.

         7位で完走して  そして   富士ではトップ5だったし。





 Of course,


 it's not as high as I'd like,

それは 僕が 望んでるほど ハイレベルではないよ



it takes time to get back to the top.

トップへ 戻るのは 時間がかかるんだよ。





In pre-season testing


we were really good in cold conditions

僕らは 寒いコンデイションでは ホントに良かったんだ



 we seem to struggle in warmer conditions,

暖かい コンデイションでは うまくいってないように 見える



 we're working    , finding little tunings each weekend.

僕らは働いていて    そして 毎週末 小さな調整をしてるんだよ


That's the negatives

これらが ネガティブな面だよ
 – the positives are it's a great series.

ポジティブな面は  SUPER-FORMULAが晴らしいシリーズだってことだね




You have experienced drivers,

経験の あるドライバーたちが 居るんだ

even though we don't really talk about it in Europe,

ヨーロッパでは その事について 話されていないけれど

there are drivers who have spent 10 years in Super Formula,

SUPER-FORMULAには 10年も やってるドライバーが いるんだ





they know exactly how to race with the car,

彼らは このマシンでの レースの やり方を 正確に 解ってるんだ

 all the tracks in Japan,

日本の すべての コースは

the feeling etcetera,

フィーリングは 極上だよ



for me


it's good there


       as you really need to push hard and be at the front,

        激しくプッシュして トップになる必要があるからね




the level is good.

レベルも 高いしね。






It's also a really good series

             in terms of tyres

             タイヤの面でも また

本当に いいシリーズなんだ


; the tyres have a really small window,

つまり タイヤは 本当に小さなウインドウ(グリップが高い所)しかないんだよ

 if you want to extract everything from the tyres,

もし そのタイヤから (性能の)すべてを 引き出したいなら  

 so you have to do the out-lap properly,

適切な アウトラップを 行わなければ ならないんだ

the warm-up lap properly,

適切に(タイヤを)温める 周回だよ

              to get everything ready for qualifying.

             予選に向けて すべての準備をするためのね 。





It's quite tough with this car,

それは このマシンでは 凄く厳しい事なんだ



 it's pretty good

凄く いい事でもあるんだよ

        as it teaches you to be accurate with all the procedures inside the car.

       それによって マシンの中での 全ての手順を正確にすることを教えられるからね。




In the races


you can push flat out all the time

全ての瞬間 全開でプッシュできるよ



 you have really low degradation.

デグラデーション のレベルは ホントに低いしね



 Of course,


 as a driver


I prefer to do that rather than some tyre management,

いくつかのタイヤを管理するより そうすることが 好きなんだ



it's quite intense,

それは かなり 激しいことなんだよ

         as for one hour and 20 minutes


          you have to take 100 per cent out of the car at each corner,

         各コーナーで マシンから 100%を引き出さなければ ならないからね



 I think

僕は こう思うんだ

     it's good preparation as well,

    それは 同じように いい準備になるし



    it's great to be able to drive quick cars!

    速いマシンをドライブできることは すばらしいことだって  思うんだ。





全てを 顧みると

it's good preparation for the future.

それは 未来へ向けての いい準備になるんだ。

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F1 ピエール ガスリー  コラムから   Part2



In terms of working in Japan, there are positives and negatives. I've found it's been a bit tough communicating with the team.


They have a bit of a hierarchy, so when you need to take a decision, it's not like in Europe where you can take a decision in 30 seconds and just do things that are the right way to go. Everything takes much longer, the boss needs to agree, and then if he doesn't and everyone in the team agrees, then you cannot in a way because the boss disagrees with that direction. Everything in terms of processes takes longer.

Also in the team the difficult thing is that only my Race Engineer speaks English, so basically I give my feedback in English and after he needs to translate in Japanese. Of course, I don't know if he translates exactly with the right words to the other engineers in Japanese, and then for me, I cannot understand Japanese, so after the other engineers talk in Japanese to my engineer, he then translates into English! It takes hours, much longer than in Europe to do briefings, debriefings. It's more difficult to understand each other, to tell them what I need in the car, then the other way around it's the same for me, to answer the questions they're asking.

So communication was a bit difficult to know exactly what we needed on that side, but we've made a big  improvement. mplicated!



↓    ↓         ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。





In terms of working in Japan,

日本での 仕事の面では

 there are positives and negatives.

ポジティブな事と ネガティブな事が あるんだ。



I've found

僕は 解ったんだ

      it's been a bit tough communicating with the team.
      チームとコミュニケーションを取ることが ちょっと厳しいってことをね。





They have a bit of a hierarchy,

彼らは ちょっと序列が あるんだ



when you need to take a decision,

決定を 下すような時は


it's not like in Europe

ヨーロッパみたいでは ないんだ


          where you can take a decision in 30 seconds

          ヨーロッパでは 30秒で 決定が下されて



                  just do things that are the right way to go.

                  正しい やり方だけが 行われるんだけどね。





 Everything takes much longer,

全ての事が とっても(時間が)長くかかるんだよ

 the boss needs to agree,

ボスは 同意を必要とし

 and then


 if he doesn't and everyone in the team agrees,

もし チームの皆が 賛成しても ボスが 認めなかったら

 then you cannot in a way

その やり方は できないんだ

               because the boss disagrees with that direction.

              なぜって   ボスが そのやり方を認めなかったからだよ。


Everything in terms of processes takes longer.

プロセスという面では すべてが 時間が よりかかるんだ。





Also in the team the difficult thing

チームでの 難しいことは

                 is that only my Race Engineer speaks English,

                 僕のエンジニアしか 英語が しゃべれない事なんだ





I give my feedback in English

僕が 英語でフィードバックをして

and after

そして その後

 he needs to translate in Japanese.

彼(ガスリーのエンジニア)が 日本語に訳すんだよ。





Of course,


I don't know

僕は わからないんだよ

       if he translates exactly with the right words to the other engineers in Japanese,

      彼が 正確に適切な言葉で 他のエンジニアへ 日本語で訳してるか どーかは ね。

 and then for me,

そして それは僕にとってもだけどね

 I cannot understand Japanese,

日本語が 理解できないから。







after the other engineers talk in Japanese to my engineer,

他のエンジニアが 日本語で 僕のエンジニアに 話した後

he then translates into English!

彼が 英語に 訳すんだよ!

 It takes hours,

何時間も かかるんだよ

much longer than in Europe to do briefings,debriefings.

ヨーロッパで 打ち合わせするより ずっと長くかかるんだよ。




 It's more difficult to understand each other,


          to tell them what I need in the car

         マシンの中で 僕が何を必要かを 彼らに話すこと や    

            ,then the other way around it's the same for me,

             (そして僕にとって 逆も 同じなんだけど )

          to answer the questions they're asking.

          彼らが尋ねた質問に 答えることは    

より 難しいんだ・・








communication was a bit difficult

コミュニケーションは ちょっと難しいんだ

                 to know exactly what we needed on that side,

                 僕らが その側面で 必要なことを正確に 知るにはね




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ピエール ガスリー    コラムから  Part1

F1の強豪チーム Red Bullのリザーブドライバーであり

今年は日本のSUPER-FORMULAに参戦している ピエール ガスリーのコラムから



Hi guys! I'm writing to you from France on a weekend to recharge the batteries.

We've had Super Formula races at Suzuka, Okayama and Fuji. It's been good. Of course, we've had some difficult moments, but now it's getting better, we're making improvements. It's been good in terms of driving because the car is competitive, and we're at good tracks – like Suzuka – and most recently in Fuji. It's good to drive and to be in the car and race.

It feels a little bit like a different world when you arrive in Japan.

Everything is so different: the people, the culture, the cities, how they are and how they live there, the food, the buildings, everything is different. It feels like that: a different world. I really like it so far, in normal life Japanese people are really respectful, they have great values, so it's been amazing from a human point of view to be there, because when you come back to Europe there's things you see a bit differently and you think, 'OK, we should behave more like they do', in terms of respect.



↓           ↓         ↓




Hi guys!

やー  みんな!

I'm writing to you from France on a weekend

週末に フランスから みんなに向けて 書いてるんだ

                        to recharge the batteries.




We've had Super Formula races


                 at Suzuka 


                 , Okayama








It's been good. 

それは いい感じだったんだ。

 Of course,


we've had some difficult moments,

僕たちは 困難な時間もあったんだよ



now it's getting better,

今は 良くなってるんだ

we're making improvements.

僕たちは 改善をしてるからね。






It's been good


         in terms of driving




 the car is competitive,




we're at good tracks

僕らは いいトラック(コース)に居るからね

– like Suzuka –

鈴鹿の ようなね



 most recently in Fuji.

最近の   富士(スピードウェイ)もね。





It's good to drive




             to be in the car and race.

    マシンの中で レースをするのは いい感じだったよ。





It feels a little bit like a different world

ちょっと 違った世界に 感じるものだよ

                    when you arrive in Japan.




Everything is so different

全ての事が とっても 異なってるんだ

           : the people


           , the culture


           ,the cities


           ,how they are

            彼らが どんな風か  とか


           how they live there

           どのように そこで生活しているか  とか

          , the food


          , the buildings


          , everything is different.

           全てが 異なってるんだよ。





It feels like that

こんな風に 感じるんだ

        : a different world.

        つまり 異次元の世界さ。






I really like it so far,

僕はそれが ほんとに好きなんだ  これまではね、



 in normal life Japanese people

日本の人々の 普通の生活は

                 are really respectful,





 they have great values,

そこには すばらしい美徳があるんだ



 it's been amazing from a human point of view

人間的視点から見ると 驚くべきことだったよ            

                         to be there,






 when you come back to Europe


 there's things you see a bit differently

ちょと違った ことがあるんだ



you think, 'OK,


we should behave more like they do'             , in terms of respect.

僕らは もっと彼ら(日本人)がするように 振る舞うべきだよね  尊敬という意味でね。





【  管理者 感想 】

ガスリー ちょっと日本のこと 驚きすぎ じゃね?

初めて 海外旅行した人の 感想みたいだよね・・



まあ ガスリーをとおして 日本の事

欧州に人に知ってもらえれば いいな!

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homemade vegetable                                                                harvest in last week


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                                                           Kameyama-lake    Chiba prefecture JAPAN


涼しさを求めて ちょこっと ドライブ。

関東平野は どこ行っても暑かった・・・

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