BBC Myanmar Rakhine: Thousands flee to Bangladesh 30 Aug 2017
「Aid workers giving emergency shelter and food say about a dozen of the new arrivals have recent bullet wounds」
わざわざrecent bullet woundsなんで単語が入っているあたり。民族浄化行動へ一歩踏み出してやしないかと。
「"The situation is very terrifying, houses are burning, all the people ran away from their homes, parents and children were divided, some were lost, some are dead," Abdullah, a young Rohingya man who had made it to Bangladesh, told Reuters」
「Some say there is nothing left for them at home. Many of them have lost their family members」
「Many of the Rohingya crossing the border already have relatives in these camps」
バングラ側では、こう。となるとミャンマー政府としては『あ! やっぱりバングラに親戚がいるんだね! そっちにルーツがあるんだね! じゃあ、そっちに行きなよ、故郷にさあ!』と言い立てることだろう…。…いや、いるといってもrefugee campに、なんだが。
「Many are thought to be trapped in an unoccupied zone between the countries」
多数発生した死者だが「At least 100 people, mostly insurgents, have been reported killed in the latest violence in Rakhine」とあり、基本的には反乱側から出ている模様。そりゃまあそうだ、正規装備の警察・軍に滅多に抵抗できるもんじゃない。が、それでなお敢えて蜂起したあたりにいろいろ根深いアレコレが垣間見える。
「Aid workers giving emergency shelter and food say about a dozen of the new arrivals have recent bullet wounds」
わざわざrecent bullet woundsなんで単語が入っているあたり。民族浄化行動へ一歩踏み出してやしないかと。
「"The situation is very terrifying, houses are burning, all the people ran away from their homes, parents and children were divided, some were lost, some are dead," Abdullah, a young Rohingya man who had made it to Bangladesh, told Reuters」
「Some say there is nothing left for them at home. Many of them have lost their family members」
「Many of the Rohingya crossing the border already have relatives in these camps」
バングラ側では、こう。となるとミャンマー政府としては『あ! やっぱりバングラに親戚がいるんだね! そっちにルーツがあるんだね! じゃあ、そっちに行きなよ、故郷にさあ!』と言い立てることだろう…。…いや、いるといってもrefugee campに、なんだが。
「Many are thought to be trapped in an unoccupied zone between the countries」
多数発生した死者だが「At least 100 people, mostly insurgents, have been reported killed in the latest violence in Rakhine」とあり、基本的には反乱側から出ている模様。そりゃまあそうだ、正規装備の警察・軍に滅多に抵抗できるもんじゃない。が、それでなお敢えて蜂起したあたりにいろいろ根深いアレコレが垣間見える。